埃默•托爾斯(Amor Towles),1964年齣生於美國波士頓。本科和碩士學位分彆在耶魯大學和斯坦福大學獲得。被《華爾街日報》稱為“紐約最後的紳士”。曾因處女作《上流法則》獲得菲茨傑拉德奬。
From the New York Times bestselling author of Rules of Civility—a transporting novel about a man who is ordered to spend the rest of his life inside a luxury hotel
“In all ways a great novel, a nonstop pleasure brimming with charm, personal wisdom, and philosophic insight . . .this book more than fulfills the promise of Towles' stylish debut, Rules of Civility." – Kirkus Reviews (starred)
With his breakout debut novel, Rules of Civility, Amor Towles established himself as a master of absorbing, sophisticated fiction, bringing late 1930s Manhattan to life with splendid atmosphere and a flawless command of style. Readers and critics were enchanted; as NPR commented, “Towles writes with grace and verve about the mores and manners of a society on the cusp of radical change.”
A Gentleman in Moscow immerses us in another elegantly drawn era with the story of Count Alexander Rostov. When, in 1922, he is deemed an unrepentant aristocrat by a Bolshevik tribunal, the count is sentenced to house arrest in the Metropol, a grand hotel across the street from the Kremlin. Rostov, an indomitable man of erudition and wit, has never worked a day in his life, and must now live in an attic room while some of the most tumultuous decades in Russian history are unfolding outside the hotel’s doors. Unexpectedly, his reduced circumstances provide him a doorway into a much larger world of emotional discovery.
Brimming with humor, a glittering cast of characters, and one beautifully rendered scene after another, this singular novel casts a spell as it relates the count’s endeavor to gain a deeper understanding of what it means to be a man of purpose.
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非特定大時代下的特定小人物的一段思鄉麯。 文/韜子 最早知道這本書是因為Guaridan Weekly的一個list上推薦,衛報的榜單平心而論和NYT以及WP之流還是頗為不一緻,缺少一種“喜歡去引領人類高尚道德”的時代裝逼感。看瞭一下簡要介紹,於是添加進瞭第二年的讀書清單中。2017年去...
評分 評分①烤鴨-八大名莊産的特級紅葡萄酒 ②米蘭燉小牛肘-一九一二年聖洛倫佐的巴羅洛葡萄酒 ③拉脫維亞燉肉-西班牙裏奧哈紅葡萄酒 ④俄式冷蔬菜湯和鰈魚片-波德萊爾酒莊的葡萄酒 ⑤鵝肝-索特恩葡萄酒 ⑥拉脫維亞燉菜-穆庫紮尼 ⑦用黑橄欖、茴香和檸檬、232 ℃烤的整隻鱸魚-法國濛切榭...
評分 評分圖書標籤: 英文原版 小說 俄國 美國文學 外國文學 美國 Amor_Towles 原版
雖然我不喜歡Amor Towles,不得不說他這個人真的文筆很不錯
評分非常優雅的一本書,用詞、敘事的方式都很溫柔。情節一般,讀到中途幾乎想放棄,但是伯爵的個人魅力還是把我拉瞭迴來。最後讀完還是很滿足的,書中GRE詞匯超多,學瞭很多形容詞。整本看完,印象最深刻的,還是Rostov和Marina討論Nina那裏: “You must trust that life will find her in time. For eventually, it finds us all.”
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