Bestselling journalist Orenstein follows up Cinderella Ate My Daughter with a look at what happens when the little princess hits puberty. The result is an eye-opening, sometimes horrifying look at sex for today’s girls and young adults. Through frank interviews, research, and school visits, Orenstein reveals that, on average, young women are engaging in sexual contact earlier than ever, in more varied ways, and reporting more coercion and less satisfaction than their male counterparts. She cuts through many of the prickly topics associated with girls’ sexuality in contemporary culture, including purity debates, hook-up culture, arguments about what girls wear, rape and consent on college campuses, the problem of porn, and what kind of sex education actually works. She looks briefly at gender fluidity and touches on the concerns of LGBTQ young women. Orenstein draws powerful, humane portraits of her interview subjects, self-reliant young women who find themselves trapped by sexist stereotypes about women’s bodies and women’s pleasure. In this smart, earnest, and timely assessment, Orenstein urges frank, open communication among trusted adults and curious teens, declaring it the best way to encourage girls and boys to make safe, healthy decisions that “end in joy and honor rather than regret, guilt, or shame” and achieve “intimate justice.” (Mar.)
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“What are you crying for?”男性也許永遠不會理解女性麵對性的無助。男女平等不意味著男女是相同的,在涉及到性的事件中,女性總是比較吃虧,而已經吃虧的女性承受的社會輿論壓力也更大。受傷的人承受更大的恥辱,錶明對女性的歧視根植在每個人心底,包括男人和女人,即使我...
評分在追求男女平等的今天,女孩如何不被物化為一個物件?如何保護自己?是女性應該考慮的問題。 錯過晚間互動環節,還是爬樓翻看瞭小夥伴們的討論,內容很精彩,裏麵有一些我聽都沒聽過的事情,感覺很不可思議,在倡導男女平等已經辣麼多年的情況下,種種陋習還是真正存在的,生男...
評分 評分女孩和性。在我國,性這個話題一直是被避而不談的,而女孩和性這個話題看起來似乎更加讓人避之不及,但這樣就真的好嗎?隨著網絡的普及,我們看到瞭很多之前被掩蓋的事情,有多少小女孩正是因為沒有接觸過性教育,導緻連自己被侵犯的時候都沒意識到這種行為到以為著什麼。所以...
圖書標籤: 女性主義 社會學 替你讀書 替你讀書-塔主 English 英文原版--nonfiction° 崔冕老師替你讀書 英文原版
評分豐富瞭我的詞彙 體驗一下美國社會形態和性態度
評分豐富瞭我的詞彙 體驗一下美國社會形態和性態度
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