Arlie Russell Hochschild is one of the most influential sociologists of her generation. She is the author of nine books, including The Second Shift, The Time Bind, The Managed Heart, and The Outsourced Self. Three of her books have been named as New York Times Notable Books of the Year and her work appears in sixteen languages. The winner of the Ulysses Medal as well as Guggenheim and Mellon grants, she lives in Berkeley, California.
Arlie Hochschild is best known for her contributions to the domestic division of labor (The Second Shift), emotional labor (The Managed Heart), the rationalization of the home (Time Bind), the commodification of private life (The Commercialization of Intimate Life, The Outsourced Self). In her latest book, Strangers in Their Own Land, Hochschild takes her notion of “feeling rules” to Louisiana, exploring the emotional foundations of right wing politics (The Tea Party and support for Donald Trump) by studying divergent responses to one of the most pressing issues facing the region – environmental pollution. On the basis of her fieldwork, conducted between 2011 and 2016, Hochschild advances the “deep story” of supporters of the American right: “…the shifting moral qualifications for the American Dream had turned them into strangers in their own land, afraid, resentful, displaced, and dismissed by the very people who were, they felt, cutting in line.”
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The refreshing perspective from this book is her “deep story” narrative that tries to explain the national divide in terms of feelings. As someone who has greatly benefited from the “elite” circle, this book offers individual and human narratives from t...
評分The refreshing perspective from this book is her “deep story” narrative that tries to explain the national divide in terms of feelings. As someone who has greatly benefited from the “elite” circle, this book offers individual and human narratives from t...
評分看完這本書就想給它起個副標題:Louisiana, Where Theories of Class Conflicts failed to Explain the Econo-environmental Victims 覺得自己有責任去投票的人,都有一種對good society的vision,有的甚至是Vision。在社會理論方麵,歐洲長期關注於階級,而北美方麵則關注於種...
評分作者的態度是我不同意中下層白人右派的政治立場/看法,但我能理解為什麼這些人會持這些立場。 作者認為這個階層麵臨著paradox,比如路易斯安那中下層飽受環境問題睏擾,但卻支持共和黨減少政府在環境議題方麵的介入。原由是這些人並不相信政府,他們認為民主黨的一係列政策隻是...
圖書標籤: 社會學 美國 美國政治 政治 社會學/人類學 ethnography Sociology 右翼
評分結尾處作者給左派和茶黨的朋友們分彆寫瞭一封信:給前者的很短,給後者的很長。佩服作者為跨越“共情之牆”(empathy wall)所作的嘗試,更同意她所采用的批判民族誌的研究方法。隻是第一封信無論如何都應該更長一點:左派不僅要理解,更要行動。到瞭將分配正義放迴政治議程的時候瞭。
評分簡略掃過,"deep story"的概念倒是和語言學中的隱喻相類似,都是符閤瞭人們對自身的一種敘述,激起瞭共鳴。
評分很具體的田野調查。empathy 並不解決問題甚至如今空洞泛濫瞭。最引人深思的是傳統價值觀、社區(教區)聯係的影響。也可以說是理解identity 頑疾的一本好書。
評分和作者一樣,我知道自己生活在一個 bubble 裏麵,我想要嘗試理解我的 bubble 外麵的人的世界觀。
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