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Another Brooklyn


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I used to say I’d be a teacher or a lawyer or a hairdresser when I grew up but even as I said these things, I knew what made me happiest was writing.

I wrote on everything and everywhere. I remember my uncle catching me writing my name in graffiti on the side of a building. (It was not pretty for me when my mother found out.) I wrote on paper bags and my shoes and denim binders. I chalked stories across sidewalks and penciled tiny tales in notebook margins. I loved and still love watching words flower into sentences and sentences blossom into stories.

I also told a lot of stories as a child. Not “Once upon a time” stories but basically, outright lies. I loved lying and getting away with it! There was something about telling the lie-story and seeing your friends’ eyes grow wide with wonder. Of course I got in trouble for lying but I didn’t stop until fifth grade.

That year, I wrote a story and my teacher said “This is really good.” Before that I had written a poem about Martin Luther King that was, I guess, so good no one believed I wrote it. After lots of brouhaha, it was believed finally that I had indeed penned the poem which went on to win me a Scrabble game and local acclaim. So by the time the story rolled around and the words “This is really good” came out of the otherwise down-turned lips of my fifth grade teacher, I was well on my way to understanding that a lie on the page was a whole different animal — one that won you prizes and got surly teachers to smile. A lie on the page meant lots of independent time to create your stories and the freedom to sit hunched over the pages of your notebook without people thinking you were strange.

Lots and lots of books later, I am still surprised when I walk into a bookstore and see my name on a book’s binder. Sometimes, when I’m sitting at my desk for long hours and nothing’s coming to me, I remember my fifth grade teacher, the way her eyes lit up when she said “This is really good.” The way, I — the skinny girl in the back of the classroom who was always getting into trouble for talking or missed homework assignments — sat up a little straighter, folded my hands on the desks, smiled and began to believe in me.

Another Brooklyn pdf epub mobi 圖書描述

Running into a long-ago friend sets memories from the 1970s in motion for August, transporting her to a time and a place where friendship was everything—until it wasn’t. For August and her girls, sharing confidences as they ambled through neighborhood streets, Brooklyn was a place where they believed that they were beautiful, talented, brilliant—a part of a future that belonged to them.

But beneath the hopeful veneer, there was another Brooklyn, a dangerous place where grown men reached for innocent girls in dark hallways, where ghosts haunted the night, where mothers disappeared. A world where madness was just a sunset away and fathers found hope in religion.

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這是一本字數並不算多的書,如果你看書的速度足夠快,不到一個上午足以將其看完。書的名字叫做《另一個布魯剋林》。 關於布魯剋林這個詞的印象,是來自於童年時所看的一個故事。在那個故事中,我第一次知道瞭這個地方,似乎那裏是有色人種的聚集地,相對來說絕不是一個高大上的...


《另個一布魯剋林》,這是一本很小很小的小說。書小,字數也少,一會兒的功夫就能讀完。但讀完之後,迴蕩在腦海之中的是久久不肯離去的有關故鄉、親情、友情以及成長的哀傷。 想著布魯剋林的故事,然後,很容易就會想到自己。 作者是美國作傢傑圭琳·伍德森,目前她和傢人便生...  


“我”是遠行人,逃離死亡,逃離過去,逃離以往的身份焦慮。 《另一個布魯剋林》中奧古斯特缺失的,並不僅僅是母親,也不僅僅是故鄉。就像她一直不肯承認母親的去世一樣,她也始終無法接受甜蜜林的動亂,少年摯友的分道揚鑣,以及那永遠也迴不去的童年。 溫情的敘述筆調,迷...  


這一篇短小精彩意味深長的小說,這是一個關於成長的故事。吸引我的是腰封那一句“我曾為夢遠行,終成迴不去的異鄉人。” 八歲那年,奧古斯特以為母親失蹤瞭,隨父親和弟弟從田納西州搬到布魯剋林,住在一個小公寓的頂層,她一種安慰弟弟,母親明天就來瞭。明天,或者下個明天,...  


我曾為夢遠行,終成迴不去的異鄉人。 這本《另一個布魯剋林》裏,講述的是一個女孩兒背井離鄉,追尋想要的生活的故事。 女主人公的身世,要比我們普通的人更加的悲慘一些。和父親、弟弟相依為命,母親不知所終,他們童年一直在尋找母親,認為母親隻是離開瞭他們,然而多年以後...  

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作者:Jacqueline Woodson
價格:USD 22.99

圖書標籤: 英文原版  美國  文化  社會  原文小說  西方  推薦好書  JacquelineWoodson   

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2016年第55本 小時候一丁點兒小事兒都覺得天塌下來瞭,朋友背叛更是無法想象,總覺得大傢會一直一直在一起,特彆是August年少失去母親,陷入迴憶中始終拒絕母親已去世的真相,把朋友看得無比重要,成長過程中大傢最終走散,但情感創傷還在。


2016年第55本 小時候一丁點兒小事兒都覺得天塌下來瞭,朋友背叛更是無法想象,總覺得大傢會一直一直在一起,特彆是August年少失去母親,陷入迴憶中始終拒絕母親已去世的真相,把朋友看得無比重要,成長過程中大傢最終走散,但情感創傷還在。


Poetic writing, sad story, unforgettable memory about a Muslim girl in around 1970s' Brooklyn.


2017讀的第一本書,沒想到一天不到就讀完瞭。Woodson的文筆簡潔流暢,讀的時候就像聽著August有意無意地說著自己的故事。This is memory. Memories about a lost family member, friends, love, femininity, self-growth, religion, self-awakening.


2016年第55本 小時候一丁點兒小事兒都覺得天塌下來瞭,朋友背叛更是無法想象,總覺得大傢會一直一直在一起,特彆是August年少失去母親,陷入迴憶中始終拒絕母親已去世的真相,把朋友看得無比重要,成長過程中大傢最終走散,但情感創傷還在。

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