Can Europe prosper without the euro?
In 2010, the 2008 global financial crisis morphed into the “eurocrisis.” It has not abated. The 19 countries of Europe that share the euro currency―the eurozone―have been rocked by economic stagnation and debt crises. Some countries have been in depression for years while the governing powers of the eurozone have careened from emergency to emergency, most notably in Greece.
In The Euro, Nobel Prize–winning economist and best-selling author Joseph E. Stiglitz dismantles the prevailing consensus around what ails Europe, demolishing the champions of austerity while offering a series of plans that can rescue the continent―and the world―from further devastation.
Hailed by its architects as a lever that would bring Europe together and promote prosperity, the euro has done the opposite. As Stiglitz persuasively argues, the crises revealed the shortcomings of the euro. Europe’s stagnation and bleak outlook are a direct result of the fundamental challenges in having a diverse group of countries share a common currency―the euro was flawed at birth, with economic integration outpacing political integration. Stiglitz shows how the current structure promotes divergence rather than convergence. The question then is: Can the euro be saved?
After laying bare the European Central Bank’s misguided inflation-only mandate and explaining how eurozone policies, especially toward the crisis countries, have further exposed the zone’s flawed design, Stiglitz outlines three possible ways forward: fundamental reforms in the structure of the eurozone and the policies imposed on the member countries; a well-managed end to the single-currency euro experiment; or a bold, new system dubbed the “flexible euro.”
With its lessons for globalization in a world economy ever more deeply connected, The Euro is urgent and essential reading.
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作者認為歐元的問題既有其設立時的錯誤經濟理念(市場原教旨主義/新自由主義)的影響,也是缺乏政治團結的結果。歐元在設立之初,ECB主要受德國影響,將防止通脹作為其唯一的政策目標,既未考慮充分就業,也未考慮金融市場穩定。而財政方麵的convergence criteria更是將防止赤...
評分作者認為歐元的問題既有其設立時的錯誤經濟理念(市場原教旨主義/新自由主義)的影響,也是缺乏政治團結的結果。歐元在設立之初,ECB主要受德國影響,將防止通脹作為其唯一的政策目標,既未考慮充分就業,也未考慮金融市場穩定。而財政方麵的convergence criteria更是將防止赤...
評分作者認為歐元的問題既有其設立時的錯誤經濟理念(市場原教旨主義/新自由主義)的影響,也是缺乏政治團結的結果。歐元在設立之初,ECB主要受德國影響,將防止通脹作為其唯一的政策目標,既未考慮充分就業,也未考慮金融市場穩定。而財政方麵的convergence criteria更是將防止赤...
評分作者認為歐元的問題既有其設立時的錯誤經濟理念(市場原教旨主義/新自由主義)的影響,也是缺乏政治團結的結果。歐元在設立之初,ECB主要受德國影響,將防止通脹作為其唯一的政策目標,既未考慮充分就業,也未考慮金融市場穩定。而財政方麵的convergence criteria更是將防止赤...
評分作者認為歐元的問題既有其設立時的錯誤經濟理念(市場原教旨主義/新自由主義)的影響,也是缺乏政治團結的結果。歐元在設立之初,ECB主要受德國影響,將防止通脹作為其唯一的政策目標,既未考慮充分就業,也未考慮金融市場穩定。而財政方麵的convergence criteria更是將防止赤...
圖書標籤: 經濟學 JosephE·Stiglitz 經濟金融 經濟讀物 經濟 社會學 流行財經讀物 政治
評分有些啓發 貿易順差 會對全球穩定帶來危機嗎 德國齣手拯救歐盟 是由於自己想分享貿易順差的紅利嗎 比較中國 進博會嚮外撒錢 就是要把貿易關係買迴來不是嗎 在國內消費見底的情況下 這就是對全球經濟的救市以普通韭菜為代價。車同軌書同文。歐元成瞭盟幣 大一統下的民族大團結為目的的措施。結果就是今天的香港,明天的xx,xx和xx。經濟好的地方虹吸效應 希臘等國傢 二三綫城市空心化 希臘也買學區房 最後享受免費教育去給德國闆磚去瞭嗎 留下希臘一地雞毛一屁股債。割瞭一地韭菜。危機與機遇共存 一個重塑全球秩序的時刻來瞭。brace for impact.逃吧
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