丽莎·康(Lisa Ko),出生在纽约皇后区,在新泽西长大,现居布鲁克林,凭其首部小说《离岸人》获得了2016年的美国社会领头羊小说奖(PEN /Bellwether Prize)。她的作品出现在《2016年美国短篇小说》《纽约时报》《使徒日记》《叙事》《纽约时报》《铜镍》《故事和弦》《一个少年故事》《布鲁克林评论》等。
The Leavers 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 英文原版 fiction 小说 contemporary-lit 传记 Novel NOVEL DIASPORA
One morning, Deming Guo’s mother, an undocumented Chinese immigrant named Polly, goes to her job at the nail salon and never comes home. No one can find any trace of her.
With his mother gone, eleven-year-old Deming is left with no one to care for him. He is eventually adopted by two white college professors who move him from the Bronx to a small town upstate. They rename him Daniel Wilkinson in their efforts to make him over into their version of an “all-American boy.” But far away from all he’s ever known, Daniel struggles to reconcile his new life with his mother’s disappearance and the memories of the family and community he left behind.
Set in New York and China, The Leavers is a vivid and moving examination of borders and belonging. It’s the story of how one boy comes into his own when everything he’s loved has been taken away--and how a mother learns to live with the mistakes of her past.
This powerful debut is the winner of the 2016 PEN/Bellwether Prize for fiction, awarded by Barbara Kingsolver for a novel that addresses issues of social justice.
A story made up of bittersweet, fluorescent Polaroid photos. Ko does a great job constructing beautiful moments with her literary wizardry. Polly Guo, a romantic and resolved mother whose desire to pursue the sometimes fearsome freedom has been tied down by her connection with her son, is one of the most refreshing mother characters in modern lit.
评分花了两天时间一口气看完了这本小说,作者的构思和文笔都不落俗套,看的时候有种边理解故事边学习英语的感觉。非法移民到跨种族收养两个话题恰好都与我最近的经历和思考有共鸣之处,然而最令人惊喜的是Peilan Guo这个母亲角色,一位不惧挑战,不安于现状,一生都在往外面的世界拼命折腾的女人。读她的内心独白,对于在生活的柴米油盐中消磨的不安远胜于去探索未知世界的不安,像是小妇人里面的Jo March. Maybe it’s not about moving to new places, the challenge is to stay put. In the wake of COVID-19, this statement is coated with a new feeling for me.
The Leavers 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书