About the Author
Brendan Burns is a Partner Architect in Microsoft Azure, working on Azure Container Service and Azure Resource Manager. Prior to Microsoft he worked at Google in the Google Cloud Platform, where he co-founded the Kubernetes project and helped build APIs like Deployment Manager and Cloud DNS. Before working on cloud, he worked on Google's web-search infrastructure, with a focus on low-latency indexing. He has a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Massachusetts Amherst with a specialty in Robotics. He lives in Seattle with his wife Robin Sanders, their two children and a cat Mrs. Paws, who rules over their household with an iron paw.
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Designing Distributed Systems: Patterns and Paradigms for Scalable, Reliable Services 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
前几天在网上看到Microsoft的一个Kubernetes的学习文档,还不错,里面有k8s项目的联合创始人Brendan Burns(也就是本书作者)的视频教程和两本电子书都可以免费下载,视频内容可以温故知新;书里面有一本《Designing Distributed Systems》,看着标题挺吸引人的,内容也不多,于...
评分前几天在网上看到Microsoft的一个Kubernetes的学习文档,还不错,里面有k8s项目的联合创始人Brendan Burns(也就是本书作者)的视频教程和两本电子书都可以免费下载,视频内容可以温故知新;书里面有一本《Designing Distributed Systems》,看着标题挺吸引人的,内容也不多,于...
评分前几天在网上看到Microsoft的一个Kubernetes的学习文档,还不错,里面有k8s项目的联合创始人Brendan Burns(也就是本书作者)的视频教程和两本电子书都可以免费下载,视频内容可以温故知新;书里面有一本《Designing Distributed Systems》,看着标题挺吸引人的,内容也不多,于...
评分Developing reliable, scalable distributed systems today is often more black art than science. Building these systems is complicated and, because few formally established patterns are available for designing them, most of these systems end up looking very un...
评分前几天在网上看到Microsoft的一个Kubernetes的学习文档,还不错,里面有k8s项目的联合创始人Brendan Burns(也就是本书作者)的视频教程和两本电子书都可以免费下载,视频内容可以温故知新;书里面有一本《Designing Distributed Systems》,看着标题挺吸引人的,内容也不多,于...
图书标签: 分布式 架构 计算机 distributed-system 分布式系统 Programming 软件架构 O'Reilly
Developing reliable, scalable distributed systems today is often more black art than science. Building these systems is complicated and, because few formally established patterns are available for designing them, most of these systems end up looking very unique. This practical guide shows you how to use existing software design patterns for designing and building reliable distributed applications.Although patterns such as those developed more than 20 years ago by the Gang of Four were largely restricted to running on single machines, author Brendan Burns—a Partner Architect in Microsoft Azure—demonstrates how you can reuse several of them in modern distributed applications.Systems engineers and application developers will learn how these patterns provide a common language and framework for dramatically increasing the quality of your system.
Not quite what I expected, the title should be "quick tour about design patterns for container-based systems" (on top of kubernetes)...... but it's a nice book for entry level ~
评分书名改成副标题更贴切点:"Patterns and Paradigms for Scalable, Reliable Services"。
评分稍微有点系统的解答了一些我的疑问,但与分布式关系到不太大。更多讨论的是 container 世界里的常用 pattern。作者是 Kubernetes 的主要开发者之一,所以也是各种植入。
Designing Distributed Systems: Patterns and Paradigms for Scalable, Reliable Services 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书