Diana Fu is Assistant Professor of Asian Politics at the University of Toronto. This book builds upon her dissertation research at the University of Oxford where she studied as a Rhodes Scholar. Previously, she was a Walter H. Shorenstein Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University, California and a pre-doctoral fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Her research has been supported by the Harold Hyam Wingate Foundation, the Chiang Ching Kuo Foundation, and the Rhodes Trust. Her academic articles have been published in Comparative Political Studies, Governance, and Modern China, among others. Her writing and research have appeared in The Economist, Foreign Affairs, The Washington Post, The Boston Review, PostGlobal, and Nicholas Kristof's 'On the Ground' Blog for The New York Times.
When advocacy organizations are forbidden from rallying people to take to the streets, what do they do? When activists are detained for coordinating protests, are their hands ultimately tied? Based on political ethnography inside both legal and blacklisted labor organizations in China, this book reveals how state repression is deployed on the ground and to what effect on mobilization. It presents a novel dynamic of civil society contention - mobilizing without the masses - that lowers the risk of activism under duress. Instead of facilitating collective action, activists coach the aggrieved to challenge authorities one by one. In doing so, they lower the risks of organizing while empowering the weak. This dynamic represents a third pathway of contention that challenges conventional understandings of mobilization in an illiberal state. It takes readers inside the world of underground labor organizing and opens the black box of repression inside the world's most powerful authoritarian state.
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圖書標籤: 政治學 社會運動 社會學 海外中國研究 威權主義 比較政治 政治社會學 politics
3.5。主題和素材選得好,討論當代中國的勞工組織(主要是北京和珠三角地區)如何動員個體及威權政府如何管控社會。上篇聚焦政府管製,對地下組織采用三種碎片化控製策略(鎮壓、閤作、忽視),對地上組織則采用競爭性管理(按照作者話說是“reap the benefits of civil society”)下篇提齣三種無群眾的集體行動策略:微觀集體行動、原子化個體行動、話語性/文化性行動(不知道短評裏的“離散性”是怎麼得齣的)其中勞工組織動員、教導工人的過程值得關注。對江鬍溫時期的一些政策和事實上的細節刻畫很有趣,比如不同的地方部門管理社會組織時齣現的齟齬,還有早先的社團主義。遺憾的是整本書還是描述性略強,沒有看到更清晰的中層理論。
評分太稚嫩、格局太小瞭,除在中層加入介於組織與個體間的“無大眾動員”外沒有理論深度,大概看到倘若我本科直升讀博做民族誌的後果。上篇籠統地談瞭勞工NGO,縱嚮中央和地方政府、橫嚮不同政府機構對NGO的分散化管控,政府購買社會服務來促使競爭和收編管控。下篇對微觀集體行動、個體化有幕後指導的行動、離散性行動三種策略的比較見P91,第一被直接鎮壓關停,第二采用個體威脅式行為達成訴求相對可行,第三用非暴力閤作的文藝手段非常和諧。但是從零星的個體/組織行動到工人集體意識的啓濛到反權威政體意識的覺醒到對民主自由大眾動員的樂觀,這幾步跳的太大瞭!一邊是激進團體地下化去組織化的策略,一邊是勞工在組織培訓下參與個體抗爭,兩者完全沒有融匯並切入政治+組織社會學理論核心,穿插的四個NGO案例毫無理論比較意義 M
評分一篇論文的篇幅硬生生地拖成瞭一本書...是個不錯的提法,可惜沒有曆史沿革,沒有地區變異,也沒有對同一個概念的多維度解析。可能是為瞭湊字數,寫作上花瞭過多篇幅綜述既往研究,卻沒有充分與之交鋒以闡明自己的貢獻(或者說,貢獻局限於個體形式錶現的有組織動員這一點上)。書的前後兩部分也純屬兩張皮。同樣是基於民族誌的作品,可以對比Andrew Walder對新傳統主義的剖析。
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