With more than two million copies sold, "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" has opened up a world of learning to a generation of children. For this edition, created for the twenty-fifth anniversay in 1992, Bill Martin, Jr., restored his text to its original wording. And Eric Carle created all new pictures--based on the originals, but clearer, brighter, and truer to the colors they represent. Bill Martin has been devoted to writing children's books for more than thirty years. He has a Ph.D. in early childhood education and he has long been a proponent of using rhyme and rhythm to teach young children how to read. Eric Carle, illustrator of many beloved children's books, was born in the United States, but spent his early years in Stuttgart, Germany, where he studied art and design at the Academy of Applied Art. "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" was the first book he illustrated.
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評分標簽: 繪本 美國 信誼 童書 0-3歲第一階段 “棕色的熊,棕色的熊,你在看什麼?我看見一隻紅色的鳥在看我。”朗朗上口。寶寶通過這本書,對顔色的認識很快的就從紅、黃、藍,擴展到黑、白、棕、綠、橙等等。牽著他一起散步,一路用這個句式把所有看到的東西你一句我一句的接...
評分豆豆英語啓濛用的,後來又成為晨晨閱讀啓濛的範本,不多說瞭,撕爛的 部分都修補多次瞭,還在看! 隻要我打開這本書,1歲的晨晨就會安靜下來,自己翻書。 文字的韻律就不多說瞭,關鍵是這個係列還有其他書,這本作為入門很不錯。
評分如果你愛她,給她讀brown bear吧。 brown bear是我倆共讀的第一本原版書。 我傢寶寶開口給我讀brown bear的時候,說實話我是震驚的。 畢竟纔讀瞭兩個星期不到,每天早上10多分鍾,晚上10多分鍾。 並且也不僅僅隻是在讀brown bear. 這也可見brown bear的韻律(壓尾韻)對孩子聽...
評分這本書的翻譯,真是讓人念起來搓火。 一遍讀下來口乾舌燥,遇到小朋友還想在讀一遍的時候,真是很纍啊。 窩牛媽的評論裏提到瞭這本書 “在中國2010年童書TOP10中列於第三位。上榜理由是:一本雙語的圖畫書,在不斷重復的句式中,寶寶漸漸感知到中文和英文兩種語言的韻律,隨著...
圖書標籤: 繪本 英文繪本 育兒 英文 繪本/童書 EricCarle 寶寶藏書 寶寶的書
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載