Genders in Production 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 社会学 Gender Feminist 性别 劳工研究 纪实 研究相关 Sociology
In this engrossing and original book, Leslie Salzinger takes us with her into the gendered world of Mexico's global factories. Her careful ethnographic work, personal voice, and sophisticated analysis capture the feel of life inside the maquiladoras and make a compelling case that transnational production is a gendered process. The research grounds contemporary feminist theory in an examination of daily practices and provides an important new perspective on globalization.
CHIFLEY HD6073.O332 M486 2003
评分无论是方法论还是对于性别/劳工/全球化的研究来说都无疑是典范中的典范。逻辑清晰观点明确,假名取得也很有意思——四个工厂的假名分别对应Panopticon、Participation、Androgyny、Anarchy,直接点明了四个工厂的管理模式。芝大没给她tenure简直是芝大的耻辱。另外可惜的是她的dissertation abstract中我最喜欢的那句话没有在书里出现:“Given gender’s omnipresence in social life, it must be spoken to or made irrelevant.” 还有就是可惜没有早点读这本书吧。
评分无论是方法论还是对于性别/劳工/全球化的研究来说都无疑是典范中的典范。逻辑清晰观点明确,假名取得也很有意思——四个工厂的假名分别对应Panopticon、Participation、Androgyny、Anarchy,直接点明了四个工厂的管理模式。芝大没给她tenure简直是芝大的耻辱。另外可惜的是她的dissertation abstract中我最喜欢的那句话没有在书里出现:“Given gender’s omnipresence in social life, it must be spoken to or made irrelevant.” 还有就是可惜没有早点读这本书吧。
评分作者成功回应了一条隐形debate:gender as a situation or a condition? 最后一章why femininity(ies)简直要打印出来贴墙上!we must “study up” as well as “down”!!! We always need new ways of seeing!!!
评分无论是方法论还是对于性别/劳工/全球化的研究来说都无疑是典范中的典范。逻辑清晰观点明确,假名取得也很有意思——四个工厂的假名分别对应Panopticon、Participation、Androgyny、Anarchy,直接点明了四个工厂的管理模式。芝大没给她tenure简直是芝大的耻辱。另外可惜的是她的dissertation abstract中我最喜欢的那句话没有在书里出现:“Given gender’s omnipresence in social life, it must be spoken to or made irrelevant.” 还有就是可惜没有早点读这本书吧。
Genders in Production 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书