Kenneth Pomeranz , 1958—
著名历史学家,曾任美国历史学会会长(2013—2014),“加州学派”代表人物。1980年于康奈尔大学获学士学位,1988年于耶鲁大学获博士学位,师从史景迁。现任美国芝加哥大学历史系教授。主要著作有:《腹地的构建 :华北内地的国家、社会和经济(1853—1937)》(荣获1994年费正清奖)、《大分流:欧洲、中国及现代世界经济的发展》(荣获2000年费正清奖、2001年世界历史协会年度图书奖)、《贸易打造的世界:1400年至今的社会、文化与世界经济》(与史蒂文•托皮克合著)等。
The Making of a Hinterland 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
《腹地的构建——华北内地的国家、社会和经济(1853——1937)》(The Making of a Hinterland:State,Society,and in Inland North China,1853——1937)一书原是彭慕兰(Kenneth Pomeranz)完成于1988年的博士学位论文,经修改于1993年出版,该书于1994年获费正清东亚研究最佳...
评分这本书比较难读,一方面是因为作者写得比较散,一方面则是因为翻译比较拗口,但是作者的基本观点还是比较容易把握的。 这本书的研究地点是“黄运”——山东西部和河南东部的地区,由于其中心有黄河和大运河的交汇而命名为“黄运”(see p.6, Map 1)。这本书的视角是Geopoliti...
评分海外中国研究系列的书一次又一次地让我感觉到,我虽然生长在这片土地上,但是对这片土地充满了肤浅与错误的认识和理解。Man are born ignorant,not stupid。既然知道自己的错误在哪里,就要努力地改正嗷。 第一章关于信贷和货币的看不懂嗷,没有经济学和金融学的基础知识,完...
图书标签: 彭慕兰 海外中国研究 历史 经济史 腹地的构建 中国近代史 费正清东亚研究奖 社会史
This wholly original reassessment of critical issues in modern Chinese history traces social, economic, and ecological change in inland North China during the late Qing dynasty and the Republic. Using many new sources, Kenneth Pomeranz argues that the development of certain regions entailed the systematic underdevelopment of other regions. He maps changes in local finance, farming, transportation, taxation, and popular protest, and analyzes the consequences for different classes, sub-regions, and genders.Pomeranz attributes these diverse developments to several causes: the growing but incomplete integration of North China into the world economy, the state's abandonment of many hinterland areas and traditional functions, and the effect of local social structures on these processes. He shows that hinterlands were made, not merely found, and were powerfully shaped by the strategies of local groups as well as outside forces. This wholly original reassessment of critical issues in modern Chinese history traces social, economic, and ecological change in inland North China during the late Qing dynasty and the Republic. Using many new sources, Kenneth Pomeranz argues that the development of certain regions entailed the systematic underdevelopment of other regions. He maps changes in local finance, farming, transportation, taxation, and popular protest, and analyzes the consequences for different classes, sub-regions, and genders.Pomeranz attributes these diverse developments to several causes: the growing but incomplete integration of North China into the world economy, the state's abandonment of many hinterland areas and traditional functions, and the effect of local social structures on these processes. He shows that hinterlands were made, not merely found, and were powerfully shaped by the strategies of local groups as well as outside forces.
评分One thing shared by this book and The Great Divergence: regional variations (perspective of comparison) might be interrelated consequences of a same historical process (perspective of cross-regional network).
评分insightful research with a nicely fit vision of Modern Chinese transformation from the perspective of political economy. enjoyable reading, clear, and full of sparks
评分觉得比great divergence强多了。。
The Making of a Hinterland 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书