Daisy Johnson was born in 1990. Her debut short story collection, Fen, was published in 2016. She is the winner of the Harper's Bazaar Short Story Prize, the A.M. Heath Prize and the Edge Hill Short Story Prize. She currently lives in Oxford by the river.
Words are important to Gretel, always have been. As a child, she lived on a canal boat with her mother, and together they invented a language that was just their own. She hasn’t seen her mother since the age of sixteen, though – almost a lifetime ago – and those memories have faded. Now Gretel works as a lexicographer, updating dictionary entries, which suits her solitary nature.
A phone call from the hospital interrupts Gretel’s isolation and throws up questions from long ago. She begins to remember the private vocabulary of her childhood. She remembers other things, too: the wild years spent on the river; the strange, lonely boy who came to stay on the boat one winter; and the creature in the water – a canal thief? – swimming upstream, getting ever closer. In the end there will be nothing for Gretel to do but go back.
Daisy Johnson’s debut novel turns classical myth on its head and takes readers to a modern-day England unfamiliar to most. As daring as it is moving, Everything Under is a story of family and identity, of fate, language, love and belonging that leaves you unsettled and unstrung.
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看到30%就已經驚喜到忍不住要趕緊來分享讀後感,如果是周末打開瞭這本書大概會是不吃不喝一口氣看完的那種。 開篇女兒和老年癡呆的母親的鬥爭日常就吸引瞭我,一開始讀起來讓我想到Claire-Louise Bennett的Pond,兩本書都能從文字深深感受到solitude,但是繼續讀發現不太一樣,...
評分看到30%就已經驚喜到忍不住要趕緊來分享讀後感,如果是周末打開瞭這本書大概會是不吃不喝一口氣看完的那種。 開篇女兒和老年癡呆的母親的鬥爭日常就吸引瞭我,一開始讀起來讓我想到Claire-Louise Bennett的Pond,兩本書都能從文字深深感受到solitude,但是繼續讀發現不太一樣,...
評分看到30%就已經驚喜到忍不住要趕緊來分享讀後感,如果是周末打開瞭這本書大概會是不吃不喝一口氣看完的那種。 開篇女兒和老年癡呆的母親的鬥爭日常就吸引瞭我,一開始讀起來讓我想到Claire-Louise Bennett的Pond,兩本書都能從文字深深感受到solitude,但是繼續讀發現不太一樣,...
評分看到30%就已經驚喜到忍不住要趕緊來分享讀後感,如果是周末打開瞭這本書大概會是不吃不喝一口氣看完的那種。 開篇女兒和老年癡呆的母親的鬥爭日常就吸引瞭我,一開始讀起來讓我想到Claire-Louise Bennett的Pond,兩本書都能從文字深深感受到solitude,但是繼續讀發現不太一樣,...
評分看到30%就已經驚喜到忍不住要趕緊來分享讀後感,如果是周末打開瞭這本書大概會是不吃不喝一口氣看完的那種。 開篇女兒和老年癡呆的母親的鬥爭日常就吸引瞭我,一開始讀起來讓我想到Claire-Louise Bennett的Pond,兩本書都能從文字深深感受到solitude,但是繼續讀發現不太一樣,...
圖書標籤: 小說 布剋奬 文學 英國文學 Fantasy 英文原版 英國 傢庭
評分作者的天賦讓人嫉妒得想要把牆撓穿,民間故事、神話悲劇、繁復的象徵以詭異且帶著不安之美的書寫交織在一起。但作為début小說,作者想要在有限的體量裏實現太多 - 母女關係、記憶、恐懼、語言的重塑 - 一度使敘事失控,角色籠罩在一種“manufactured otherness”之下
評分喜歡她選的題材,故事情節毀瞭題材。人物飽滿度不夠,情節又設計得太水。前一頁說你去遊泳看看會不會想起什麼,下一秒小孩掉池子裏瞭你得救她,要不要這麼刻意。個人感覺作傢也有點粉弗洛伊德 = =。我剛開始看到潛抑和閹割恐懼的時候我以為是我最近讀課本腦子讀齣翔瞭,最後看到俄狄浦斯情結的時候隻有鬱悶。親,你這是現代故事,彆硬要往希臘神話上湊,那個母親就是個現代人長瞭個希臘腦袋。挺失望的一本書
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