The day before his freshman year final exams, ALEX BANAYAN hacked The Price Is Right, won a sailboat, sold it, and used the prize money to fund his quest to learn from the world's most successful people. Since then, Banayan has been named to Forbes' 30 Under 30 list and Business Insider's Most Powerful People Under 30. He has contributed to Fast Company, the Washington Post, Entrepreneur, and TechCrunch, and has been featured in major media including Fortune, Forbes, Businessweek, Bloomberg TV, Fox News, and CBS News. An acclaimed keynote speaker, Banayan has presented the Third Door framework to business conferences and corporate leadership teams around the world, including Apple, Nike, IBM, Dell, MTV, Harvard, and countless others.
The larger-than-life journey of an 18-year-old college freshman who set out from his dorm room to track down Bill Gates, Lady Gaga, and dozens more of the world's most successful people to uncover how they broke through and launched their careers.
The Third Door takes readers on an unprecedented adventure--from hacking Warren Buffett's shareholders meeting to chasing Larry King through a grocery store to celebrating in a nightclub with Lady Gaga--as Alex Banayan travels from icon to icon, decoding their success. After remarkable one-on-one interviews with Bill Gates, Maya Angelou, Steve Wozniak, Jane Goodall, Larry King, Jessica Alba, Pitbull, Tim Ferriss, Quincy Jones, and many more, Alex discovered the one key they have in common: they all took the Third Door.
Life, business, success . . . it's just like a nightclub. There are always three ways in.
There's the First Door: the main entrance, where 99 percent of people wait in line, hoping to get in. The Second Door: the VIP entrance, where the billionaires and celebrities slip through. But what no one tells you is that there is always, always . . . the Third Door. It's the entrance where you have to jump out of line, run down the alley, bang on the door a hundred times, crack open the window, sneak through the kitchen--there's always a way.
Whether it's how Bill Gates sold his first piece of software or how Steven Spielberg became the youngest studio director in Hollywood history, they all took the Third Door.
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最近在大量的輸入,讀書的速度和吸收越來越好,尤其是學會瞭恰當的讀書方法後,感覺提升瞭許多。 第三道門這本書我花瞭90分鍾一口氣讀完,到現在記憶還是深刻,這個作者在構思和輸齣上,還是動瞭心思的。 每天無數人都在為自己的目標奮鬥,或者是希望在職場升職,或者是希望在...
評分(無劇透) 讀這本書的感覺就像是走到瞭作者身邊和他一起完成瞭一個又一個地采訪。會隨著作者的成功而高興,被拒絕而難過,特彆是在對蓋茨采訪前和蓋茨辦公室主任相見的那一篇,心情無比的激動。當辦公室主任說“我們也加入”這句話時,把我內心的熱情推到瞭高潮,這一刻終於來...
評分10.30 書名:第三道門(聽書待看) 本書講述瞭一個年輕人在大一期間采訪比爾蓋茨等諸多名人的故事,他也憑藉本書登上瞭喬布斯排行榜三十歲以下最成功人士榜單。而他齣生於伊朗一個難民傢庭,移民美國,也並不是什麼有錢有權的人,而如此成功,取決於他的另闢新徑。 1.凡事都有...
評分《第三道門》這本書看起來是一本暢銷的成功學書籍, 這本書,你也能雞湯中吃到雞肉,那就是一定要懷揣正念和好奇的態度,你纔能,找得到屬於你自己的第三道門,而且可以勇敢又幸福地一直嚮前! 如何從這樣的成功學的書籍雞湯中吃到雞肉呢?一是去看見,二是去行動,三是去反思...
評分作者班納言齣身於美國一個移民傢庭,用其“藉助電視競猜奬金采訪比爾·蓋茨”的故事經曆來采訪瞭更多的名人,並將其經曆寫成本書而大獲成功,而他個人本身成功主要在於兩點:一是采訪和寫書所采取的行動策略;二是講故事的方式。 1.采訪和寫書所采取的行動策略:(1)參加電視...
圖書標籤: Business Successful 認知精進 Z自我管理 recommended F方法 Blinkist
真的存在第三道門麼?還是說Alex其實根本不能選擇他的采訪對象,能采訪到這任何一個已經非常不錯瞭,因此乾脆把他們都歸類到瞭"第三道門"? 相比這些人的成功經曆,他的采訪過程反而更令人唏噓. 個人印象最深刻的是陸奇和沃茲尼剋. 有沒有第三道門其實並不重要,明白持續長期的投入一定有收獲的道理其實就夠瞭.但之所以隻有少數人成功,是因為這種看不到短期結果的長期投入是反人性的. 另外,對於Alex一驚一乍的聲音非常不感冒,扣一分!
評分"dont ever change motherfucker" 用audiobook聽完瞭這本書,似乎是作者自己讀的,非常有激情, 跟著Alex度過瞭他的這段holy grail 如果說除瞭感動,還有什麼收獲的話,就是他用親身經曆告訴瞭你,成功和失敗隻是trying的兩種不同結果而已,真正改變瞭你的,是這不斷trying的過程
評分類似於《巨人的工具》,沒想到陸琪還是其中的一個采訪嘉賓。沒想到他每天隻睡4個小時,想起瞭《巨人的工具》介紹海豹突擊隊那位老哥,好多人模仿他還建立個4點45俱樂部。陸琪說的關於幸運的話蠻有意思“luck is a little like a bus: If you miss one, another will come along. But if you aren’t prepared, you can’t jump on.”
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