Secular Translations 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 宗教学 学术 Islam IntellectualHistory 翻译 基督教 历史 伊斯兰
In Secular Translations, the anthropologist Talal Asad reflects on his lifelong engagement with secularism and its contradictions. He draws out the ambiguities in our concepts of the religious and the secular through a rich consideration of translatability and untranslatability, exploring the circuitous movements of ideas between histories and cultures.
In search of meeting points between the language of Islam and the language of secular reason, Asad gives particular importance to the translations of religious ideas into nonreligious ones. He discusses the claim that liberal conceptions of equality represent earlier Christian ideas translated into secularism; explores the ways that the language and practice of religious ritual play an important but radically transformed role as they are translated into modern life; and considers the history of the idea of the self and its centrality to the project of the secular state. Secularism is not only an abstract principle that modern liberal democratic states espouse, he argues, but also a range of sensibilities. The shifting vocabularies associated with each of these sensibilities are fundamentally intertwined with different ways of life. In exploring these entanglements, Asad shows how translation opens the door for—or requires—the utter transformation of the translated. Drawing on a diverse set of thinkers ranging from al-Ghazālī to Walter Benjamin, Secular Translations points toward new possibilities for intercultural communication, seeking a language for our time beyond the language of the state.
评分一如既往地膜拜。大大谈翻译显然不是不同语言之间的转换,也不是verbal and nonverbal之间的运动,那还是presume the predominance of the sign,人家多少年前就在攻击Geertz的symbolic system,现在又强调语言嘛当然是intertwined with forms of life(背后是维特根斯坦)。因为关注语言之外的“生活”,所以大大分析的是伊斯兰传统内部礼仪规训身体的翻译(或者说不可译),还有现代资本-民族-国家通过数据和监控所实现的从语言到数字的翻译,当然首先把哈贝马斯连带着一堆争论现代性起源于神学或tm是祛魅的人给黑了,宗教跟世俗都不是既定概念而是语言游戏 ,所以我们该观察分析这游戏在各时各地是咋玩的而不是落到圈里站队.
评分一如既往地膜拜。大大谈翻译显然不是不同语言之间的转换,也不是verbal and nonverbal之间的运动,那还是presume the predominance of the sign,人家多少年前就在攻击Geertz的symbolic system,现在又强调语言嘛当然是intertwined with forms of life(背后是维特根斯坦)。因为关注语言之外的“生活”,所以大大分析的是伊斯兰传统内部礼仪规训身体的翻译(或者说不可译),还有现代资本-民族-国家通过数据和监控所实现的从语言到数字的翻译,当然首先把哈贝马斯连带着一堆争论现代性起源于神学或tm是祛魅的人给黑了,宗教跟世俗都不是既定概念而是语言游戏 ,所以我们该观察分析这游戏在各时各地是咋玩的而不是落到圈里站队.
评分一如既往地膜拜。大大谈翻译显然不是不同语言之间的转换,也不是verbal and nonverbal之间的运动,那还是presume the predominance of the sign,人家多少年前就在攻击Geertz的symbolic system,现在又强调语言嘛当然是intertwined with forms of life(背后是维特根斯坦)。因为关注语言之外的“生活”,所以大大分析的是伊斯兰传统内部礼仪规训身体的翻译(或者说不可译),还有现代资本-民族-国家通过数据和监控所实现的从语言到数字的翻译,当然首先把哈贝马斯连带着一堆争论现代性起源于神学或tm是祛魅的人给黑了,宗教跟世俗都不是既定概念而是语言游戏 ,所以我们该观察分析这游戏在各时各地是咋玩的而不是落到圈里站队.
Secular Translations 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书