Charles Dickens was born in POrtsmjoth in 1812 and spent his ea rIV childhOOd in Chatham.when he was twelve Vears oId his father was.rnprisoned for debt and DIckens was forced to work in a bIackingfactory.ThIs expe rIence Inspired in hIrn a hatred of sociaI eviIs and uniust Iaws,themes that wOuId Cnop up time and again In his novels. By the 1830s,DiCkens had estabIished a career as a journalist,and his pieces on evenryday people caught attention of a publisher,who ColIected them as Sketches by‘Boz’,followed by The Pickwick(Papers(both 1836—7).Dickens’novels first appeared in monthly InsfaImenfs before being pubIished ln book form,and he was a proIific worker,churning Out CIassics year after year。They IncIuded Oliver Twisf(1837—9),Nichoas Nickleby(1838—9),The old Curiosity Shop(1840-1)’A Christmas Carol(1843),David Copperfeld(1849—50)and Greaf Expectations(1860—1),alI of them massiveIy popular in their day and Still qreatly admired in the 21st century. On top of this prodigous workload,Dickens found time to undertake Iecture tours,campaign agalnst SociaI injustice and conduct a somewhat scandaIous private life.incIudin a long-term liaison with young actress ElIen Ternan.He died SuddenIy In 1870,leavinq his Iast noveI,The Mystery0f Edwin Drood,unfinished,but having carved out for himself a reputation as the g0and oId man Of EngIISh fiCtIon.
Oliver Twist published in 1838,is one Of Charles Dickens’s best—known and most Ioved works.It has been adapted into several fIlms and a long running Broadway musicaI and has been considered a Classlc ever Since it was first published.The book OriginalIy appeared as a seriaI in a magazine called Bentleyr’s Miscellany.of which DiCkens was editor.Each week.readers waited anxiously for the next instaIment in the tale;this expIains why each Chapter ends with a cliffhanger’that would hold the. reader’s attentlon and interest until the folloWing chapter waS published.
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《Oliver Twist》就是不斷演進的“情景劇”,本質上是“廉價”的。就像《武林外傳》經常自我嘲諷的一樣:“沒錢就拍個情景劇”,“情景劇有什麼場景轉換啊?”“三文?如今連情景喜劇都不隻這個價瞭!” 《Oliver》也沒大場麵,大起落。幾乎沒有場麵描寫、風景描寫、靜物...
評分這本書讀過很久瞭。 讀的時候也很奇怪,一直都很喜歡外國名著裏的美好生活,舞會、宮廷、古堡、男男女女的感情。那樣的奢華、美麗。有如長大後的童話。 但對於那時的我,霧都孤兒是那麼的另類,汙穢、黑暗、陰深。 它與我的“童話”是那麼的格格不入。 似乎有...
評分有這麼一種小說, 比如李漁的無聲戲、十二樓,純屬故事想到哪編到哪,看下來隻記得角色們想瞭個辦法做瞭個事,遇著些巧閤得瞭個好結果,根本想不起來他們是怎樣的人。 還有一種小說,比如倚天屠龍記,隻能讓人記得張無忌學瞭什麽功,遇見瞭什麽女子,倒瞭什麽楣;又學瞭什麽功...
圖書標籤: Charles·Dickens 英國 Dickens 小說 霧都孤兒 英文原版 english 艱苦成長記
開頭感覺挺難讀的,後麵感覺還好,不是特彆難。整個故事裏麵最重要的人物我認為是NANCY, NANCY不去找老紳士的話,就不會有後麵把這個犯罪團夥給滅瞭,可是NANCY卻死瞭,解救瞭OLIVER
評分children's book, 這是我初中買的第一本外文書。
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