巴拉克·奥巴马(Braack Obama),曾任联邦参议员,现任美国总统,来自伊利诺伊州。著有畅销书《父亲的梦想》(Dreams from My Father)。家庭成为有妻子米歇尔,两个女儿萨莎和玛丽亚。
The Audacity of Hope 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分奥巴马是个现象。作为美国第一位黑人总统,他身后总是裹着一层光环,吸引着各色人等驻足置目、评头论足。一个多学期前,大学课堂上的众学子很多还只识希拉里,不认奥巴马;而今天,连逛街时都能听到服装区的中年营业员阿姨在说奥巴马长,道奥巴马短。 自从逐渐走入大众视野以...
评分奥巴马当总统都100天,我也才看完他的这本书。这是本他当选参议员后写的书。可以说是他后来竞选总统的纲领预演。 这位富有才华的总统还真是能写。至少我觉得他要是去写小说,有个好故事,他一定没有问题驾驭语言。 这本书展现他实际的智慧。他是一个做事的人,而且是那种从基...
评分文/老钱 总的来说,我对目前的治理水平比较失望,因此,更倾向于一个小政府、大市场的结构。但是,考虑到最贫困人口缺乏改善自身境况的基本能力,我也倾向于国家对他们担负起必要的责任来,帮助他们具备基本的生存和发展能力。关于这个问题的迫切性,大家可以从阿马蒂亚•...
图书标签: Obama 传记 奥巴马 英文原版 美国 人物传记 政治 英语
评分2姨送的,但更喜欢"dreams from my father"
评分Audacity of Hope on my bookshelf for a long time, and Senator Obama became President Obama, the other book about him, The Promise, President Obama Year One has been published, and I am waiting the paperback version, I have read Audacity of Hope and give the book five stars. Why, as a politician's autobiography, we can see the value Obama holds, the reality Obama cares, and the hope Obama chases, and all of it are written tenderly. It it is a good example for writing article about public affair. Having read the book, frankly, I envy Americans, and when our politicians can write a autobiography like Obama's.
评分Audacity of Hope on my bookshelf for a long time, and Senator Obama became President Obama, the other book about him, The Promise, President Obama Year One has been published, and I am waiting the paperback version, I have read Audacity of Hope and give the book five stars. Why, as a politician's autobiography, we can see the value Obama holds, the reality Obama cares, and the hope Obama chases, and all of it are written tenderly. It it is a good example for writing article about public affair. Having read the book, frankly, I envy Americans, and when our politicians can write a autobiography like Obama's.
The Audacity of Hope 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书