● 當代偉大的思想傢、認知神經科學之父,美國國傢科學院院士、美國藝術與科學學院院士,美國前總統小布什智囊團成員。現任美國加州大學聖巴巴拉分校聖哲研究中心主任,認知神經科學研究所的負責人。
● 揭秘左右腦分工模式,讓“左腦”“右腦”成為日常用語,讓腦科學進入普通人的視野。 聯姻生物學與心理學,開創認知神經科學領域。
● 著有《誰說瞭算?》《社會性大腦》《自然界的心智》《認知神經科學》《雙腦記》等書。《紐約時報》贊譽:“加紮尼加之於腦科學研究,堪比斯蒂芬•霍金之於宇宙論”。
One of the world's leading neuroscientists explores how best to understand the human condition by examining the biological, psychological, and highly social nature of our species within the social context of our lives.
What happened along the evolutionary trail that made humans so unique? In his widely accessible style, Michael Gazzaniga looks to a broad range of studies to pinpoint the change that made us thinking, sentient humans, different from our predecessors.
Neuroscience has been fixated on the life of the psychological self for the past fifty years, focusing on the brain systems underlying language, memory, emotion, and perception. What it has not done is consider the stark reality that most of the time we humans are thinking about social processes, comparing ourselves to and estimating the intentions of others. In Human, Gazzaniga explores a number of related issues, including what makes human brains unique, the importance of language and art in defining the human condition, the nature of human consciousness, and even artificial intelligence.
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我在上圖空藉瞭3次 也就是隻藉不讀6個28天之後 終於花瞭29個小時08分鍾23秒 花瞭幾個整塊的大周六的時間 孜孜不倦的 放掉瞭幾乎所有的事情 保證這件事情順利連續流暢的完成 深知這本書的重要程度 對於此刻我的需求 對於此刻我的滋養 最近從心理學一下子掉進生物神經科學裏 ...
評分Andrew Lo: The best economics book I've read recently is Human: The Science Behind What Makes Us Unique by Michael Gazzaniga. Now it's true that Gazzaniga is a cognitive neuroscientist, not an economist, but the insights in this book are extremely relevant ...
評分在讀到一半時正好麵臨一個重要的選擇,研究生究竟是申請neuropsychology還是中規中矩的social psychology,所以在看神經學的綜述時投入瞭十二萬分的用心。 本書相當於對近年來心理學傢,神經學傢,社會學傢以及工程師等圍繞同一個問題進行的文獻綜述與總結。在關於認知的章節中...
評分沒看過邁剋爾•加紮尼加參加《最強大腦》的那期節目,所以也不知道這個“鄉巴佬”(作者自嘲)當時的嘆息聲有沒有被廣播齣去。 但讀他的書就知道,這是個有趣的老頭,年輕的時候也非常帥氣,在加紮尼加的《雙腦記》這本自傳裏,有很多他年輕時候做實驗的錄像,雖然影片是黑白...
圖書標籤: 心理學 認知科學 思維 Neuroscience psychology 心理 神經科學 科普
評分: R338.2/G291
評分: R338.2/G291
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