菲利普·諾曼(1943—),小說傢、傳記作傢、記者及劇作傢,自上世紀60年代起供職於《星期日泰晤士報》,調查並報道瞭“披頭士”樂隊解散的原因,著有《呐喊!披頭士的時代》(Shout!: The Beatles in Their Generation)、《約翰·列儂傳》等,他還為滾石樂隊、艾爾頓?約翰等人寫過傳記。
約翰·列儂(John Lennon, 1940.10.9—1980.12.8),英國搖滾歌手,作麯傢,和平主義者,披頭士(甲殼蟲,Beatles)樂隊的靈魂人物。在二十世紀六七十年代風靡世界,至今仍擁有無數歌迷,深刻影響瞭現代流行文化的發展。其狂放不羈、特立獨行的個性讓他名滿天下,亦謗滿天下。1980年,列儂遇刺身亡。
Description: From the bestselling author of "Shout" comes an extraordinarily detailed, vibrant, in-depth account of the life of John Lennon--the most deeply researched and comprehensive biography to date. 16-page color photo insert; 16-page b&w photo insert.
Description: For more than a quarter century, Philip Norman's internationally bestselling Shout! has been unchallenged as the definitive biography of the Beatles. Now, at last, Norman turns his formidable talent to the Beatle for whom belonging to the world's most beloved pop group was never enough. Drawing on previously untapped sources, and with unprecedented access to all the major characters, here is the comprehensive and most revealing portrait of John Lennon that is ever likely to be published.This masterly biography takes a fresh and penetrating look at every aspect of Lennon's much-chronicled life, including the songs that have turned him, posthumously, into a near-secular saint. In three years of research, Norman has turned up an extraordinary amount of new information about even the best-known episodes of Lennon folklore-his upbringing by his strict Aunt Mimi; his allegedly wasted school and student days; the evolution of his peerless creative partnership with Paul McCartney; his Beatle-busting love affair with a Japanese performance artist; his forays into painting and literature; his experiments with Transcendental Meditation, primal scream therapy, and drugs. The book's numerous key informants and interviewees include Sir Paul McCartney, Sir George Martin, Sean Lennon-whose moving reminiscence reveals his father as never before-and Yoko Ono, who speaks with sometimes shocking candor about the inner workings of her marriage to John.Honest and unflinching, as John himself would wish, Norman gives us the whole man in all his endless contradictions-tough and cynical, hilariously funny but also naive, vulnerable and insecure-and reveals how the mother who gave him away as a toddler haunted his mind and his music for the rest of his days.
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評分沒有寫到直指人心的深度,隻記一些感觸最深的片段: 1. 1958年,所有社會階英國人仍然遵循著維多利亞時期帝國的締造者們堅忍剛毅的傳統。流淚是隻屬於女人的特權,而且大多要在私下體麵地進行;男人們則被期待無論如何不能流露任何感情。遭受不幸的傢庭中,哪怕最親密的...
評分利物浦應該算是最不英格蘭的英格蘭城市,單從宗教信仰來看,利物浦是天主教城市,而英格蘭國教是天主教;利物浦方言晦澀難懂,每次聽卡拉格的賽後采訪我幾乎是一個字聽不懂,甚感悲劇。 這幾段說利物浦雖然在本國是異類,但和大西洋彼岸的美利堅反倒是惺惺相惜禮尚往來。初高中...
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圖書標籤: 傳記 音樂 阿信 此書真他媽的厚~ 人物 (English) 英文原版 藝術與音樂
最近都在玩 但是磕磕絆絆的還是讀瞭60頁 目前呢是約翰叛逆時期的故事 然後還沒正式和搖滾有産生反應 繼續繼續 準備搞個原版的對比一些個詞= =||| 利物浦的傢夥們
評分跟Paul的傳記非常不一樣 作者用八百多頁的篇幅寫的是獻給John和洋子的情書
評分三個月終於啃完英文版,也是第一次看英文書。經常聽到列儂的名字,現在終於瞭解瞭。歌就不用說瞭,他對洋子的愛情和西恩列儂的父愛真讓人動容。Imagine&Women&Beautiful Boy.
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