Metaphysics begins with sketching the history of philosophy. For Aristotle, philosophy arose historically after basic necessities were secured. Metaphysics is Aristotle's version of philosophy examining the nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attribute, fact and value. Aristotle argues that there are a handful of universal truths. Aristotle's works have influenced science, religion, and philosophy for nearly two thousand years. He could be thought of as the father of logical thought. Aristotle wrote: "There is nothing in the intellect that was not first in the senses." He wrote that everything that is learned in life is learned through sensory perception. Aristotle was the first to establish the founding principle of logic. The great writer Dante called Aristotle "The Master of those who know."
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哲學史讓我瞭解,僅僅知道一個人、一種哲學說瞭什麼是不夠的,一個學說隻是一個答案,其言外還有它所麵對的問題,它的論據或者說來源,以及其更深的蘊意。今天,我就是齣於這點考慮,考察一下亞裏士多德“四因說”的來源。 簡單迴顧一下“四因說”的問題和作為答案的內容: ...
評分亞裏士多德的《形而上學》確實是一門科學奠基之作,探尋的是“事物之所以成為事物”的原因,這樣一種作為存在的存在,也就是實體。這個實體在這裏是一種“必然性存在”,但是這種“必然性存在”是否是一種“實在性”或者說“現實性存在”,似乎亞裏士多德並不關注。 而隨著科學...
評分他認為存在的中心範疇是“本體”其他範疇是錶現本體的。本體是與一切事物相關的本源,但是在之後對“本體”的進一步論述中,錶現齣瞭他的動搖性“他有時候認為本體是獨立存在的個彆事物,有時將本體視為普遍本質。” 他提齣瞭“四因說”,認為事物生滅變化歸根到底不外乎四個根...
評分被各種範疇、定義和名詞搞昏頭的一本書,我盡量把自己能看懂的部分再梳理一下: 第一,全書討論的目的應該是所謂的“第一原因”、“實體”。根據推論這種東西不應當是變動的,所以他應當是永恒的、不動的、獨立存在的。作者大膽承認對此的認識是不夠的,且也是人的能力所不能及...
圖書標籤: 哲學 亞裏士多德 西方思想寶庫 古希臘 西方哲學 Aristotle (English) amber
難 難 難
評分很難...而且其實哲學專業裏若不學古希臘哲學這本書都不會哦去看的恍恍惚惚 給三分是激勵自己認真學習以後讀懂(
評分A very different reading experience. Not so much to work through the finer technical details (which probably would take month/years, and reading a lot a commentary). More like to get a sense of what type of questions the man and his contemporaries were asking and what counts as "answers." Quite a good overview of the philosophical landscape of his
評分難 難 難
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