Scott Foresman Physical Science/1990 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
In studying physical science, you will learn about a fascinating world of matter and<br > energy. Your textbook will help you become acquainted with this world.<br > Familiarize yourself with the following textbook features to increase your understand-<br > ing and enjoyment of physical science.<br > ,f<br > Unit Organization Each chapter ends with a three-page chapter re-<br > Physical Science is divided into seven units, view. Turn to the Chapter 3 review beginning on<br > Each unit begins with a two-page introduction that page 71. Look at the summary, vocabulary list, and<br >gives historical background on some of the scientific review questions. Find the names of books or arti-<br >discoveries or technological achievements related cles you could read if you wanted to learn more<br >to the unit topic. Turn to the beginning of Unit 1 on about forces and motion.<br >page 2. What important discoveries did Isaac New-<br >ton make? Activities and Skills Features<br > Each unit ends with two features of special inter- Each chapter contains two laboratory activities<br >est. The Breakthroughs and Issues features alter- that will give you concrete experiences to help you<br >hate throughout the book. Breakthroughs give learn science. For each activity the main purpose is<br >background on an important discovery in physical stated. What is the purpose of Activity 9-1 on page<br >science. Issues present information on topics in 203? With all activities, safety comes first. Turn to<br >physical science that affect our lives. How It Works pages 9-10 and read the safety tips for working in a<br >describes a common invention or process that science laboratory,<br >works on principles you will have studied in the unit. A science skills feature appears near the end of<br >This feature appears in every unit. each chapter. These one-page features will help<br > you sharpen the skills you need to make learning<br >Chapter Organization about science more enjoyable. What science skill is<br > Physical Science has 26 chapters. Each chapter covered in the skills feature on page 598? How can<br >begins with an introduction, including an outline to improving this skill help you study physical science?<br >give you an overview of the chapter. The outline will<br >help you prepare to study the chapter. Resource Section<br > Every chapter is divided into sections. Each sec- At the end of the book is a resource section that<br >tion begins with a section number, a title, and objec- includes appendices, a glossary, and an index. You<br >lives and ends with section review questions. Many can use the appendices as references if you want to<br >special features appear throughout each chapter, find more information about topics covered in Phys-<br >Some chapters contain a feature on a career of ical Science. What page would you turn to if you<br >interest; other chapters contain a biography of a wanted to find out about Marie Curie? The glossary<br >physical scientist. Turn to Chapter 4. What is the lists the definitions of vocabulary words that appear<br >name of the scientist whose bio~graphy appears in in the chapters. The index refers you to the pages<br >this chapter? All chapters contain margin features where specific topics are covered.<br >that give interesting tidbits of information or ideas for<br >projects you can pursue on your own.<br >
Scott Foresman Physical Science/1990 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书