Alice Miller, PhD in philosophy, psychology and sociology, as well as a researcher on childhood, is the author of 13 books, translated into thirty languages.
Out of 192 members of the United Nations, only 19 have so far forbidden corporal punishment of children.
The common bond unifying the three studies in this volume is a concern with the factors operative in loss of the self and the routes leading towards the achievement of true identity. "The Drama of the Gifted Child" (and "gifted" here means "sensitive", "aware") has its roots in an intuitive apprehension of the parents' needs by the child at a very early stage. The child adapts to those needs by learning not to feel its most intense feelings, once it has realized that those feelings are considered undesirable. Although these "prohibited" feelings cannot always be avoided at a later stage, they remain split off; this means that the most vital part of the true self is not integrated into the personality. The result is emotional insecurity and impoverishment (loss of self), either expressed in the form of depression or fended off via grandiosity. The examples cited sensitize us to the mute, inarticulate suffering of the child and help us to penetrate the idealizations serving to conceal that suffering. It also opens our eyes to the tragedy of the parents; their unavailability and inaccessibility prove to be the fruit of their availability as children.
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【中國式教育的殺傷力】 1.用“要聽話”,來扼殺自由; 2.用“要孝順”,來扼殺獨立; 3.用“就你跟大傢不一樣”,來扼殺個性; 4.用“彆整天琢磨那沒用的東西”,來扼殺想象力; 5.用“少管閑事”,來扼殺公德心; 6.用“養你這孩子有什麼用”,用來殺自尊; 7.用“看閑書能考...
評分校園霸淩的産生原因 1孩子的暴力等動物本能沒有被約束好,如同庫布裏剋在發條橙探討得結論即惡本身就是人本性的一部分,無非是現在文明程度提升和新聞媒體曝光率提升導緻陰暗麵被挖掘齣來瞭,以前人類蛻化成動物世界和人間地獄的時候多瞭 2特權和嬌生慣養導緻的自戀,前者主要...
評分校園霸淩的産生原因 1孩子的暴力等動物本能沒有被約束好,如同庫布裏剋在發條橙探討得結論即惡本身就是人本性的一部分,無非是現在文明程度提升和新聞媒體曝光率提升導緻陰暗麵被挖掘齣來瞭,以前人類蛻化成動物世界和人間地獄的時候多瞭 2特權和嬌生慣養導緻的自戀,前者主要...
圖書標籤: 黑色教育 社會·曆史·文化·科學·藝術 社會 【Interest-Acc】 eng W
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