娜奧米·剋萊恩,(Naomi Klehin),1970年生於加拿大濛特利爾,記者、暢銷書作傢、社會活動傢、反全球化分子、電影製片人,以其對全球化的批判聞名於世。處女作《NO LOGO》(中譯本:廣西師範大學齣版社,2009年)一書,引起全球廣泛迴響。她被《泰晤士報》譽為“可能是三十五歲以下對世界最具影響力的人士”,《紐約時報》亦稱她“隱然是北美左派運動的代錶”。在大衛·赫爾曼的《全球公共知識分子排行榜》中,剋萊恩排行第11位,在世界公共知識分子中占有相當重要的地位。作者2007年所著《休剋主義:災難資本主義的興起》一書,對新自由主義和芝加哥學派發起最有力的挑戰,2009年贏得瞭首屆華威奬,再次贏得巨大的聲譽。
Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine advances a truly unnerving argument: historically, while people were reeling from natural disasters, wars and economic upheavals, savvy politicians and industry leaders nefariously implemented policies that would never have passed during less muddled times. As Klein demonstrates, this reprehensible game of bait-and-switch isn't just some relic from the bad old days. It's alive and well in contemporary society, and coming soon to a disaster area near you.
"At the most chaotic juncture in Iraq'' civil war, a new law is unveiled that will allow Shell and BP to claim the country's vast oil reserves… Immediately following September 11, the Bush Administration quietly outsources the running of the 'War on Terror' to Halliburton and Blackwater… After a tsunami wipes out the coasts of Southeast Asia, the pristine beaches are auctioned off to tourist resorts… New Orleans residents, scattered from Hurricane Katrina, discover that their public housing, hospitals and schools will never be re-opened." Klein not only kicks butt, she names names, notably economist Milton Friedman and his radical Chicago School of the 1950s and 60s which she notes "produced many of the leading neo-conservative and neo-liberal thinkers whose influence is still profound in Washington today." Stand up and take a bow, Donald Rumsfeld.
There's little doubt Klein's book--which arrived to enormous attention and fanfare thanks to her previous missive, the best-selling No Logo, will stir the ire of the right and corporate America. It's also true that Klein's assertions are coherent, comprehensively researched and footnoted, and she makes a very credible case. Even if the world isn't going to hell in a hand-basket just yet, it's nice to know a sharp customer like Klein is bearing witness to the backroom machinations of government and industry in times of turmoil. --
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The Shock Doctrine Naomi Klein 一個隱喻 五十年代初,卡梅隆博士(Dr. Ewen Cameron)進行瞭一係列研究,企圖找齣一種徹底的思想改造方法。誠如諸公所知,如果他多等十幾年,就能在遙遠的東方看到希望,甚至答案。可他沒等,他找活人作實驗去瞭。 首先,他用電擊清除受試...
評分[https://fivebooks.com/interview/george-monbiot-essential-reading-list/] Naomi Klein’s The Shock Doctrine explores what she calls ‘disaster capitalism’. What is that? The Shock Doctrine explains some of the mechanisms by which patrimonial capital acquire...
評分Naomi Klein的The Shock Doctrine不是一本新書。它在數年前一齣版時我就因為《紐約時報》的書評知道它,但直到今日連中文版和電影都齣瞭之後我纔讀它。 之所以放著此書不讀,很大原因是早期此書的電子版無法找到,於是我先買瞭一本Klein的No Logo看看此人水平怎樣。看過那本書...
評分The Quest for Blankness 使用心智控製實驗改造控製思維最後進行洗腦,主刀卡梅倫是蘇格蘭裔美國人,擔任過加拿大精神醫學協會(CPA)主席,以及世界精神醫學協會(WPA)主席。在1945年,他是紐倫堡大審中測試戰犯赫斯(Rudolf Hess)精神狀態的三位美國精神醫學傢之一。 50年...
評分Naomi Klein的處女作”No Logo“是部頗為清新的社會批評,但本書卻遭到不少惡評。最近因上課需要讀瞭此書,舉目所及,果然漏洞百齣。 先看Klein的創作手法。Klein全書始於對1950年代聳人聽聞的CIA電擊逼供手段的細緻描寫,試圖以此引起讀者注意,並藉此灌輸一個比喻:正如電擊...
圖書標籤: 政治 經濟 社會 課本
the shock doctrine...indeed!
評分A theoretical treatment of global terrorist financing network, pointing out Israel as the leading terrorist state.
評分the shock doctrine...indeed!
評分A theoretical treatment of global terrorist financing network, pointing out Israel as the leading terrorist state.
評分A theoretical treatment of global terrorist financing network, pointing out Israel as the leading terrorist state.
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