About the Author
Biography of David Mumford David Mumford was born on June 11, 1937 in England and has been associated with Harvard University continuously from entering as freshman to his present position of Higgins Professor of Mathematics. Mumford worked in the fields of Algebraic Gemetry in the 60's and 70's, concentrating especially on the theory of moduli spaces: spaces which classify all objects of some type, such as all curves of a given genus or all vector bundles on a fixed curve of given rank and degree. Mumford was awarded the Fields Medal in 1974 for his work on moduli spaces and algebraic surfaces. He is presently working on the mathematics of pattern recognition and artificial intelligence.
代数几何.I,复射影簇 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 代数几何 数学 algebraic_geometry 复代数几何 代数几何7
《代数几何(第1卷):复射影簇》是时下为数不多的代数几何的经典教材之一,已被众多学校用做教学参考书。与《代数几何(第1卷):复射影簇》相配套的教材《The Red Book of Varieties and Schemes》和《Algebraic Geometry GTM52》也已影印出版。代数几何是近代以来发展迅速的一门数学的分支学科,与其他领域的许多学科有着紧密的联系,也是高等院校数学专业研究生阶段所开设的一门非常重要的基础课程。《代数几何(第1卷):复射影簇》是由作者多年来在各处讲授代数几何课的笔记,经多次修订后整理成册。《代数几何(第1卷):复射影簇》的前一部分主要介绍了复射影簇,后一部分则重点探讨了概型,内容包括概型的凝聚层的上同调与应用。《代数几何(第1卷):复射影簇》适用于数学专业的二年级研究生及需要相关知识的其他领域的专家学者。
代数几何.I,复射影簇 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书