托马斯·卡斯卡特&丹尼尔·克莱恩(Thomas Cathcart &Daniel Klein),美国畅销作家。两人从哈佛大学哲学系毕业后走上了不同的路。托马斯在芝加哥社区和神学院工作,出版哲学书;丹尼尔在纽约为电视脱口秀写脚本,还写悬疑小说。两人有一个梦想:用哲学拯救沉闷的生活。他们用幽默段子和丰富知识,写出了《柏拉图和鸭嘴兽一起去酒吧》,结果一炮而红。他们目前都和家人生活在新英格兰地区。
Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar . . . 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
看过的第一本如此有趣的哲学书,虽然是入门级,但那有怎么样? 这种类型的将枯燥的专业以一种趣味化的方式展现的书籍,其实并不少见。但是,此书的最大亮点在于,当你对复杂哲学概念发生困惑的那一刻,一则幽默的小消化就会适时的出现,让你莞尔一笑。 也许是作者太了解哲学了...
评分 评分Merging the intimidating philosophy theories with jokes seems a nice concept for a coffee table book, but after 2 hours of painful reading I found this book can be best described as the famous saying: "Analyzing a joke is like dissecting a frog, no one is v...
评分最近在读一本书《柏拉图和鸭嘴兽一起去酒吧》,一本以笑话讲哲学的书。会看这本书,是源于看到微信上的推文荐书提到了这本书的一个笑话: //在全校教职工会议上,突然出现了一位天使。天使对哲学系系主任说:“我可以赐给你智慧、美貌或者1000万美元,三者择其一。”这位教授...
图书标签: 哲学 幽默 philosophy 哲学小笑话 英文 哲學 地铁阅读 Philosophy
This New York Times bestseller is the hilarious philosophy course everyone wishes they'd had in school
Outrageously funny, Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar . . . has been a breakout bestseller ever since authors(and born vaudevillians)Thomas Cathcart and Daniel Klein did their schtick on NPR's Weekend Edition . Lively, original, and powerfully informative, Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a Bar . . . is a not-so-reverent crash course through the great philosophical thinkers and traditions, from Existentialism ( What do Hegel and Bette Midler have in common? ) to Logic ( Sherlock Holmes never deduced anything ). Philosophy 101 for those who like to take the heavy stuff lightly, this is a joy to read and finally, it all makes sense!
It is a funny and serious book.
评分Not your average philosophy books, an Easy breezy read.... Plus a lot of fun, so why not have a look?
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