Rabindranath Tagore was a Nobel Laureate for Literature (1913) as well as one of Indias greatest poets and the composer of independent Indias national anthem, as well as that of Bangladesh. He wrote successfully in all literary genres, but was first and foremost a poet, publishing more than 50 volumes of poetry. He was a Bengali writer who was born in Calcutta and later traveled around the world. He was knighted in 1915, but gave up his knighthood after the massacre of demonstrators in India in 1919.
"Collected here are three hundred twenty short poems by Rabindranath Tagore. They were written in Bengali before being translated into English by Tagore. These poems are beautiful, thought provoking, and somewhat reminiscent of Haiku. Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sigh."
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最開始接觸馮唐,是因為那段時間我迷戀王小波,看完瞭他的作品之後覺得生無可戀,然後有人給我推薦瞭馮唐,說是跟他風格相近。並且說,全北京城的文藝女青年都以與馮唐睡一晚為榮。我這一聽簡直不得瞭啊,這人得多大魅力啊,趕緊去找來他的作品來看。 我就去看瞭他的寫的《不二...
評分讀著這本書,忽然有一種衝動,想找個陽光明媚的上午,約幾個幼時玩伴去草地上放風箏。 喜歡在清爽的早晨,或晴朗的午後捧它來讀,淺淺地低吟著,思緒像被一點點洗淨瞭,眼前的風景也漸如雨後一般光鮮明麗。打開窗子,仿佛看到世界在嚮我招手緻意。這是一種很奇妙的感受--盡管...
評分以前背誦這本詩集時,隻是覺得詩句很美。多年以後的某一天纔突然發現,泰戈爾是用如此精妙的語言,涵蓋瞭人生的多種境遇、不同心境,能讓你在不同年齡都能有共鳴。 能讀一輩子的書,飛鳥集應該算其中之一吧:)
評分圖書標籤: 泰戈爾 詩歌 外國文學 心靈深處的寜靜 英文 文學
評分這本小書裏,泰戈爾是不連貫的,卻是流暢的,簡短的,雋永的,豁達的,以辯證和對比的方式講瞭很多類似哲理的話,當然直白和抒情是不可少的。如他言“I am a poet”。
評分"The learned say that your lights will one day be no more." Said the firefly to the stars. The stars made no answer. 我會說我很喜歡泰戈爾嗎
評分這本小書裏,泰戈爾是不連貫的,卻是流暢的,簡短的,雋永的,豁達的,以辯證和對比的方式講瞭很多類似哲理的話,當然直白和抒情是不可少的。如他言“I am a poet”。
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