Reason in Human Affairs 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
序言 人類理性的性質,其機製、效應及其對人類境況的影響,是我近五十年來關注的重點。在收到斯坦福大學哈裏·坎普講座的邀請時,我心中略感忐忑:在這個問題上,我是否還有未盡之言?況且斯坦福大學高手如雲,僅僅對此問題有所涉獵的學者,就至少有肯尼斯·阿羅(Kenneth Arro...
評分 評分這周忙到覺都沒時間睡。 周六晚揀瞭最薄的這本。 雖然知道越薄越難讀,算瞭一下,100P,再難讀兩遍,就200p,比其它書還是少頁數。 果然,很難讀。 作者西濛是唯一因管理方麵的研究獲得諾貝爾經濟學奬的人,在管理學、經濟學、組織行為學、心理學、計算機科學等方麵有較深的造...
圖書標籤: 經濟學 Herbert_Simon 有限理性 美國 哲學 society 行為學 經濟學
1. adaptive=“artificial” 2. behave "as if" they were rational 3. docility as a basis for altruism 4. Roy Radner: if one's goal is not to optimize but simply to reach a satisfactory level of return, the tit-for-tat strategy can be rational. 5. The newspaper will give him a miscellany of transient facts.
評分1. adaptive=“artificial” 2. behave "as if" they were rational 3. docility as a basis for altruism 4. Roy Radner: if one's goal is not to optimize but simply to reach a satisfactory level of return, the tit-for-tat strategy can be rational. 5. The newspaper will give him a miscellany of transient facts.
評分2013-05-22瀏覽一遍,有一些內容需要再多讀幾遍纔能理解。初步的感受是:1)西濛在第一篇文章提到瞭測量技術中工具本身內含價值判斷,這和Michael Polanyi的思想有一緻之處;2)第二篇文章介紹瞭變異等進化論思想對reason的影響,和謝宇的書《社會學方法與定量研究》中對變異、同質的論述類似,自然科學強調研究對象的同質性,社會科學強調研究對象的變異性;3)第三篇文章介紹瞭有限理性等基本原理在組織、人類事務中的作用
評分1. adaptive=“artificial” 2. behave "as if" they were rational 3. docility as a basis for altruism 4. Roy Radner: if one's goal is not to optimize but simply to reach a satisfactory level of return, the tit-for-tat strategy can be rational. 5. The newspaper will give him a miscellany of transient facts.
評分1. adaptive=“artificial” 2. behave "as if" they were rational 3. docility as a basis for altruism 4. Roy Radner: if one's goal is not to optimize but simply to reach a satisfactory level of return, the tit-for-tat strategy can be rational. 5. The newspaper will give him a miscellany of transient facts.
Reason in Human Affairs 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載