Mario Livio 1945年出生于罗马尼亚,1950年定居以色列,耶路撒冷希伯莱大学本科毕业,魏兹曼科学院硕士,特拉维夫大学博士。多年来从事天体物理研究,1981 年~1991年任以色列理工学院物理学教授,而后加入美国马里兰州巴尔的摩市的哈勃太空望远镜研究所,现任该所外展服务部门负责人。他所著的The Golden Ratio曾获国际毕达哥拉斯奖和佩亚诺奖,The Equation That Couldn’t Be Solved和The Accelerating Universe等著作也都在《自然》、《经济学家》、《科学》等权威期刊上得到极高的评价。
Is God a Mathematician? 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
Mathematics is the language with which God wrote the Universe. —-Galileo Galilei There is something very mathematical about our universe. The more carefully we look at our universe, the more mathematics we seem to find. From financial modeling, weather f...
评分对于学过微积分随机过程各种代数几何的学生而言,一直没读过像这种讲数学的big picture的书。当我看到笛卡尔坐标系把代数和几何完美地结合在一起的时候,心里真的很是激动。就感觉从小到大学的数学那些点点都被连接成了线,很好的结合在了一起。 这本我觉得挺难的,尤其是最后...
评分相当一般。无论是深度、广度还是作者想给读者的哲学提示,都远不如克莱因的《数学:确定性的丧失》一书。如果真想对数学的本质有所了解,这本书虽说不上是误人子弟,但是绝对太过流于表面了。 豆瓣怎么也这么不地道了,已经写了很多了,还说简短,不给发表!!! 对一本好书...
评分春节间各种饭局与赶路的间隙读完的书。 一个很有意思的问题:数学是客观存在的还是人类发明。但论述远不如标题吸引人。花了近半篇幅在古希腊与中世纪,而近现代数学部分篇幅太少。最后一章总结更是有种“哥裤子都脱了你就给我说这个?”的感觉。 没读过《古今数学思想》(大...
图书标签: 数学 科普 科技 美國 科學 电子版 猶太 數學
Nobel Laureate Eugene Wigner once wondered about "the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics" in the formulation of the laws of nature. Is God a Mathematician? investigates why mathematics is as powerful as it is. From ancient times to the present, scientists and philosophers have marveled at how such a seemingly abstract discipline could so perfectly explain the natural world. More than that -- mathematics has often made predictions, for example, about subatomic particles or cosmic phenomena that were unknown at the time, but later were proven to be true. Is mathematics ultimately invented or discovered? If, as Einstein insisted, mathematics is "a product of human thought that is independent of experience," how can it so accurately describe and even predict the world around us? Mathematicians themselves often insist that their work has no practical effect. The British mathematician G. H. Hardy went so far as to describe his own work this way: "No discovery of mine has made, or is likely to make, directly or indirectly, for good or ill, the least difference to the amenity of the world." He was wrong. The Hardy-Weinberg law allows population geneticists to predict how genes are transmitted from one generation to the next, and Hardy's work on the theory of numbers found unexpected implications in the development of codes. Physicist and author Mario Livio brilliantly explores mathematical ideas from Pythagoras to the present day as he shows us how intriguing questions and ingenious answers have led to ever deeper insights into our world. This fascinating book will interest anyone curious about the human mind, the scientific world, and the relationship between them.
Is God a Mathematician? 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书