威廉·詹姆斯(William James,1842—1910)美国本土第一位哲学家和心理学家,也是教育学家,实用主义的倡导者,美国机能主义心理学派创始人之一,也是美国最早的实验心理学家之一。1875年,建立美国第一个心理学实验室。1904年当选为美国心理学会主席,1906年当选为国家科学院院士。2006年,詹姆斯被美国的权威期刊《大西洋月刊》评为影响美国的100位人物之一(第62位)。
The Varieties of Religious Experience 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
威廉•詹姆斯(William James)在《宗教经验之种种》(The Varieties of Religious Experience)里把各种刻板的宗教教义、制度等放在一边,而将个人对圣灵的体验与情感放在了第一位。在此,笔者想引出自身在一次天主弥撒仪式中的个人宗教经验,来结合《宗教经验之种种》(以...
评分原载《文景》2010年1、2月合刊 詹氏《宗教经验种种》在西方已经成为经典,中国学术界还缺少重视。虽然上世纪唐钺先生已经译出,于1947年由商务印书馆出版,但研究者寥寥。现今,新建君发大志愿重译之,以为当下语境读者之需,还写出长篇学术导言,难得也。詹氏不仅...
评分正如书名体现的那样,它并不是一本宗教宣传册,而是试图站在一个宗教之外的立场进行研究的书,再确切一些,是一本心理学著作。作者说:“假如这个研究是心理学的,它的主题就不是宗教的制度,而必然是宗教的感情和宗教的冲动。” 简单记一下书中的印象较深的三个方面: 宗教体...
评分注意:相对于制度化宗教,本书探讨的是个人的宗教经验。 在本书中所要讨论的宗教定义是—— 个人独自产生的某些感情、行为和经验,使他觉得自己与他所认为的神圣对象发生关系。 这是一本两头都不讨好的书。它在极端的信徒面前展现了对制度化宗教和经院宗教哲学的批判,在极端的...
图书标签: James 心理学 William_James William 17
"The Varieties of Religious Experience," first delivered as the Gifford Lectures in Edinburgh, was published in 1902 and quickly established itself as a classic. It ranks with its great predecessor, "The Principles of Psychology," as one of William James's masterworks. The book is not concerned with institutional religion. Its subtitle is "A Study in Human Nature," and James defines his subject as the feelings, acts, and experiences of individuals in relation to what they consider to be divine. His broad topics include the religion of healthy-mindedness; the sick soul; the divided self and its unification; conversion; saintliness; and mysticism. These and other phenomena are vividly documented by individual case histories--recorded in autobiographies, diaries, confessions, and similar writings--drawn from the whole range of world literature. Constantly reprinted over the years, "Varieties" here appears for the first time in an edition prepared and annotated according to modern standards of textual scholarship. Manuscript material has been used to recover the form in which the last two lectures were originally delivered.
The Varieties of Religious Experience 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书