Kang Chol-hwan lives and works in Seoul, where he is a staff writer for Chosun Ilbo, a daily newspaper in South Korea. Pierre Rigoulot is a journalist, historian, and human rights activist living in Paris, France. He is the author of numerous books on the history of political repression and contributed the North Korean chapter to the best-selling The Black Book of Communism (Harvard University Press).
The Aquariums of Pyongyang 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
这本书只在网上偷偷地传播着,要想搜寻却又沓无踪迹。这是一本关于我们唇寒齿亡邻国的书,在中国也是讳莫如深。好在我们的旁边有香港,这里还有着与世界通气的窗口。于是过去香港,买回了这本由台湾人翻译的书。 从书名《平壤水族馆:我在北韩古拉格的十年》可以看出,这是一...
评分看的PDF,里边众所周知的内容在大陆是被禁的,作者很详细的写出了北韩的生活,所遭受的不幸,跟我在纪录片里看到的差不多,很真实,有些事情仿佛触手可及。不过我觉得有些东西还是没有在书中体现出来,除了集中营的部分,肯定还有些别的,一些似曾相识的东西。 感觉自己很...
评分1 生活在这样的体制里,每个人都是不安全的。普通老百姓受到严密监视,到处是密告者,可那些官僚或是有一定社会地位的人安全吗,火车的列车员,集中营的警卫,地方的书记和行政长官,日本朝联总会的领导,乃至金日成的历史老师,国家功勋的后人,他们的命运也是朝不保夕,今...
评分对于朝鲜的政治,外界知之甚少,这与朝鲜金氏家族的顽强封锁密不可分。当然,对于外界的万千世界,朝鲜人们难得一窥全貌,不过是道听途说罢了。何况长久地生活在谎言中,人的智力和理性将得不到正常的发展,变得扭曲和愚蠢。 愚蠢恰是专制统治最上等的迷醉剂。 老子《道德经》...
图书标签: 朝鲜 回忆录 历史 人权 独裁 传记 朝鮮 政治
Part horror story, part historical document, part memoir, part political tract, one man's suffering gives eyewitness proof to an ongoing sorrowful chapter of modern history.
评分One thing I liked about this book is the author didn't dwell on individual tragedies or emotions too much as other NK books (not to say those are bad). Instead he offered observations and introductions of the country, a bigger picture and context.
评分The concentration camp life of North Korea,and got a glimpse of North Korean live condition,what a dog's life!~ Dec.2013
The Aquariums of Pyongyang 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书