I and Thou 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分这本书看完已经很久了,具体的字句已经差不多忘光,但是核心的思想依然清晰,还有一些自己的心得,与大家分享一下: 我一直认为在各大宗教里,佛教是比较高竿的,因为佛教是向内寻,所以佛教徒比较爱好和平,不会很烦人地到处传教,更不会搞恐怖主义,佛教是唯一一个关心动物...
评分1.马塞尔·普鲁斯特 感官主义者:非意愿记忆;非意愿记忆是一种身体记忆,意愿记忆是一种大脑记忆。 2.吉尔·德勒兹 无器官身体与生成:大脑/身体的反逻各斯。 3.夏目漱石 《草枕》:非人情—“活在世间,但不属于它”。 4.费尔南多·佩索阿 阿尔伯特·卡埃罗:感觉主义。 ...
评分就像是和一位最好的牧师的会面,也是最好的老师。 对于没怎么读过哲学书,看见那拗口的句子就头疼的我,能看这本被武志红老师称为“翻译及其晦涩”的书且喜爱它,我也诧异。 原来,从前以为一定的事情,是可以变不同的。 一向不喜欢背定义,或许因为这个,对哲学中诸多名词甚...
评分一本好书,影响很多人。唐崇荣有对它有介绍,特别提到,语言清新简明。 但翻译者实在太自作聪明了,将太多人文的造作和禅宗的神秘硬生生杂糅进一个基督教传道者的作品。 “真实的观照转瞬即逝;那原本藏匿在相互玉成的神秘中之自然人生现在又可被描述、割裂、分类,即沦为自然...
图书标签: 哲学 马丁·布伯 心理学 宗教 德国 MartinBuber 文化 思想史
Today considered a landmark of twentieth-century intellectual history, "I and Thou" is also one of the most important books of Western theology. In it, Martin Buber, heavily influenced by the writings of Frederich Nietzsche, united the proto-Existentialists currents of modern German thought with the Judeo-Christian tradition, powerfully updating faith for modern times. Since its first appearance in German in 1923, this slender volume has become one of the epoch-making works of our time. Not only does it present the best thinking of one of the greatest Jewish minds in centuries, but has helped to mold approaches to reconciling God with the workings of the modern world and the consciousness of its inhabitants. This work is the centerpiece of Buber's groundbreaking philosophy. It lays out a view of the world in which human beings can enter into relationships using their innermost and whole being to form true partnerships. These deep forms of rapport contrast with those that spring from the Industrial Revolution, namely the common, but basically unethical, treatment of others as objects for our use and the incorrect view of the universe as merely the object of our senses, experiences. Buber goes on to demonstrate how these interhuman meetings are a reflection of the human meeting with God. For Buber, the essence of biblical religion consists in the fact that -- regardless of the infinite abyss between them -- a dialogue between man and God is possible. Ecumenical in its appeal, "I and Thou" nevertheless reflects the profound Talmudic tradition from which it has emerged. For Judaism, Buber's writings have been of revolutionary importance. No other writer has so shaken Judaism from parochialism and applied it so relevantly to the problems and concerns of contemporary men. On the other hand, the fundamentalist Protestant movement in this country has appropriated Buber's "I and Thou encounter" as the implicit basis of its doctrine of immediate faith-based salvation. In this light, Martin Buber has been viewed as the Jewish counterpart to Paul Tillich. This is the original English translation, available in America only in this hardcover edition of "I and Thou." Martin Buber considered Ronald Smith's the best of the English translations and it was prepared in the author's presence. The more poetic rendering, this translation can be looked at as the King James Version of Buber's "I and Thou."
I and Thou 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书