作者:(英)彼得·巴里 编者:张一兵 译者:杨建国
Beginning Theory 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分作为一个英国人,彼得•巴里谈论文学批评理论是从英语语言文学的兴起开始的。从而划分出了英国文学批评的两种传统: ① 亚里士多德的《诗学》一般,探讨文学的一般理论,而不是具体作品。最早的一位批评家是锡德尼爵士,在《诗辩》(Apology for poetry)中继承维吉尔(不该...
评分作为一个英国人,彼得•巴里谈论文学批评理论是从英语语言文学的兴起开始的。从而划分出了英国文学批评的两种传统: ① 亚里士多德的《诗学》一般,探讨文学的一般理论,而不是具体作品。最早的一位批评家是锡德尼爵士,在《诗辩》(Apology for poetry)中继承维吉尔(不该...
图书标签: 文学理论 theory 文化研究 文论 文学 英国 教材 学术研究
Beginning theory has been helping students navigate through the thickets of literary and cultural theory for well over a decade now. This new and expanded third edition continues to offer students and readers the best one-volume introduction to the field. The bewildering variety of approaches, theorists and technical language is lucidly and expertly unravelled. Unlike many books which assume certain positions about the critics and the theories they represent, Peter Barry allows readers to develop their own ideas once first principles and concepts have been grasped. The book has been updated and includes two new chapters, one of which (Literary theory - a history in ten events) innovatively surveys the course of theory, while the other (Theory after 'Theory') maps the arrival of new 'isms' since the second edition appeared in 2002. Liberal humanism - Structuralism - Post-structuralism and deconstruction - Postmodernism - Psychoanalytic criticism - Feminist criticism - Lesbian/gay criticism - Marxist criticism - New historicism and cultural materialism - Postcolonial criticism - Stylistics - Narratology - Ecocriticism - Presentism/Transversal poetics/ New aestheticism/Historical formalism/Cognitive poetics.
适合反复阅读的一本书,看完后绝对会大呼好用:字数刚好在300页以内,这样可以防止读者厌烦,因为基本一个小册子就把理论梳理完毕啦。stop and think 和 example设计在理论阐述之间,很好的夹叙夹议的写法,理论和实践两条腿走路,读者接受度会更高。作者措辞上重流畅,一个流派能用浅白易懂的语言说到位,读者看完后理解的比较快,而且用了比较法把前后的流派不同点评析出来,更加深了理解。总之,是本很照顾读者感受的好入门级理论读本。
Beginning Theory 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书