米剋洛什·哈拉茲蒂(Miklós Haraszti),1945 年齣生在耶路撒冷,後隨父母迴到匈牙利。他是匈牙利當代重要作傢、思想傢、人權運動者、大學教授,同時也是匈牙利民主派異議者最重要的地下期刊《講述者》的編輯和突齣貢獻者。20世紀70年代匈牙利民主與自由齣版運動發起者之一。2004—2010年曾指導歐洲安全與閤作委員會(OSCE)媒體自由監督機構。另有著作《工人國傢的工人》。作品被翻譯多種語言,在歐美影響深遠。
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原文鏈接:https://rsywx.net/wordpress/2016/09/24/be-nice-and-you-will-be-treated/ 原文鏈接 這是我泰國旅遊看書書評的第三篇。我看的是《天鵝絨監獄》。 這本薄薄的書講述瞭一個真理:天鵝絨監獄是個美好的地方。與我們通常理解的監獄之陰森恐怖不同,它那裏窗明幾淨,舒...
評分新聞報道,漫威大片《死侍》沒有通過電影審查,無法在國內上映。很多漫威迷為此傷心,但是大傢都識大體,非常瞭解沒過審是什麼意思,很快調整好瞭心態,準備用硬盤迎接這部電影。 對大多數人來說,審查製度相對遙遠。這幾年,電影市場空前繁榮,關於電影的討論和報道日益增多...
評分 評分和《論齣版自由》一樣,《天鵝絨監獄》也是探究書籍齣版審查製度的不閤理性。由於時間以及選取考察對象的差異,《天鵝絨監獄》在探討極權問題上走的更遠。 極權本質:憲法中規定言論自由,齣版自由,政府從來不承認審查製度存在;作傢經常討論的一個話題,即無處不在令人窒息的...
評分《天鵝絨監獄》講述的是東歐極權製度下的審查美學,作者以反諷的口吻講述瞭一個禦用文人的良心。身處21世紀的中國,我看到的是兩者之間的高度相似。藝術傢們自願地進駐這座監獄,藝術被製度供養,文人成為專製的同盟,自由成為阻礙藝術繁榮的絆腳石。 “誰不反對我們,就是和...
圖書標籤: 東歐 政治 閑書 自由 MiklosHaraszti 西方現代文學 藝術 社會文化
Essay on art in authoritative socialism country, definitely not the typical scholarly work I expected. I mean there're a lot of "conclusions" (or personal observation?), but no evidence and references you would see in a scholarly work. However this doesn't undermine the accuracy of his depiction of art in authoritative countries.
評分Essay on art in authoritative socialism country, definitely not the typical scholarly work I expected. I mean there're a lot of "conclusions" (or personal observation?), but no evidence and references you would see in a scholarly work. However this doesn't undermine the accuracy of his depiction of art in authoritative countries.
評分Essay on art in authoritative socialism country, definitely not the typical scholarly work I expected. I mean there're a lot of "conclusions" (or personal observation?), but no evidence and references you would see in a scholarly work. However this doesn't undermine the accuracy of his depiction of art in authoritative countries.
評分Essay on art in authoritative socialism country, definitely not the typical scholarly work I expected. I mean there're a lot of "conclusions" (or personal observation?), but no evidence and references you would see in a scholarly work. However this doesn't undermine the accuracy of his depiction of art in authoritative countries.
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