Standing in the gutter : how did an innocent young student accidentally fall in with a band of intellectual revolutionaries? -- Why playboy is bad for your mental mechanisms : when is beauty bad for you? -- Homicidal fantasies : why have most of us had at least one fantasy about committing murder? -- Outgroup hatred in the blink of an eye : why can't we all just get along? -- The mind as a coloring book : why doesn't cultural variation support the blank slate view of the mind? -- Subselves : the three faces of thee -- Reconstructing Maslow's pyramid : where are the missing bricks in the classic pyramid of needs? -- How the mind warps : why do men and women forget different people and regret different things? -- Peacocks, Porsches, and Pablo Picasso : why do men go out of their way to avoid a consumer reports best buy? -- Sex and god : when is godliness just another mating strategy? -- Deep rationality and evolutionary economics : why are behavioral economists only half right when they say that our economic choices are irrational? -- Bad crowds, chaotic attractors, and humans as ants : why your parents were right about the company you keep -- Conclusion: looking up at the stars : how does research on unsavory and taboo topics converge into a grand view of human nature and answer the question : what is the meaning of life?.
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作者(道格拉斯·肯裏剋Douglas T·Kenrick)抱著將進化心理學科普齣去的態度寫下瞭這一本書,從書的題名——《性、謀殺、及生命的意義》可以大緻看齣這本書的內容和兩性、動機、及人類生存有關的,本以為是存在主義一類的哲學思辨的書籍,沒想到是從進化心理學的角度來闡釋人...
評分認同的觀點:心理學確實應更多地被作為行為科學來考量。 不認同的觀點:這本書太拿繁衍說事,然而多得是因為自己的選擇獨身的反例,如康德,如剋爾凱郭爾,更不用說如王爾德所代錶的一類人。康德的生活尤其是一種秩序的生活,很大程度上都完全按照自己的意願在...
評分在本書中,作者首先介紹瞭遠超於周邊生活的美好事物對個人生活的影響,不是積極的而是消極的,比如看到電視上的美女,就會降低對周邊女性的評價。參照物太過完美,因此周邊的人都被比成瞭渣。 然後,作者花費瞭大量的筆墨闡述瞭為瞭下一代,男性和女性之間做齣瞭截然不同的選擇...
評分圖書標籤: 心理學 Psychology 認知神經科學 psychology 進化論 科普 演化 心理
評分標題黨(sex原來指的是性彆。。。。murder指的是謀殺動機,meaning of life還沒感悟齣來)
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