Henry Kissinger served as National Security Advisor and then Secretary of State under Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, and has advised many other American presidents on foreign policy. He received the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and the Medal of Liberty, among other awards. He is the author of numerous books and articles on foreign policy and diplomacy, and is currently Chairman of Kissinger Associates, Inc., an international consulting firm.
For more than twenty years after the Communist Revolution in 1949, China and most of the western world had no diplomats in each others' capitals and no direct way to communicate. Then, in July 1971, Henry Kissinger arrived secretly in Beijing on a mission which quickly led to the reopening of relations between China and the West and changed the course of post-war history.
For the past forty years, Kissinger has maintained close relations with successive generations of Chinese leaders, and has probably been more intimately connected with China at the highest level than any other western figure. This book distils his unique experience and long study of the 'Middle Kingdom', examining China's history from the classical era to the present day, and explaining why it has taken the extraordinary course that it has.
The book concentrates on the decades since 1949, presenting brilliantly drawn portraits of Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping and other Chinese leaders, and reproducing verbatim Kissinger's conversations with each of them. But Kissinger's eye rarely leaves the long continuum of Chinese history: he describes the essence of China's approach to diplomacy, strategy and negotiation, and the remarkable ways in which Communist-era statesmen have drawn on methods honed over millennia. At the end of the book, Kissinger reflects on these attitudes for our own era of economic interdependence and an uncertain future.
On China is written with great authority, complete accessibility and with many wider reflections on statecraft and diplomacy distilled from years of experience. At a moment when the rest of the world is thinking about China more than ever before, this timely book offers insights that no other can.
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二戰以後,綏靖變成瞭一種常常被濫用的政治指控,嚮對立陣營的任何示好甚至僅僅是“不強硬”都會被人和慕尼黑、張伯倫之類的詞聯係起來 很多人都忘瞭,盡管對戰爭的可能性估計不足是二戰爆發的重要原因,但恰恰是正好相反的情形導緻瞭一戰爆發 基辛格在他的《大外交》裏用非...
評分一本非常通俗的,入門級時政讀物。 大篇幅的論述通過基辛格娓娓道來,讓曾經發生的一切,好像一個個令人驚奇的故事,讓我這個不太通曉曆史的人,都可以比較順暢的看進去。對於中英鴉片戰爭的始末描寫,和高中課本中說的不盡相同。站在一個完全中立的角度看這件事情時,它的性...
評分中國的事,有時候外國人看得更明白。 倒不是因為彆的什麼原因,一是旁觀者清,二是身在牆外。 透過老外的眼睛看看自己,不僅能更清楚的瞭解自己,而且也能知道外麵人的視角和思維。 在當下這個時刻,更有價值。 新華社“勿謂言之不預”之後,王老師馬上又要訪美瞭。按照新鄉時...
圖書標籤: 外交 基辛格 曆史 中美關係 中國 政治 國際關係 美國
評分現在看這書意義不同。用Crowe Memoradum中解釋1871年德國統一打破歐陸平衡來理解中美衝突,中國崛起打破美國在亞太地區、整個世界構建的力量平衡,所以中國不需要展示任何侵略性,已經足以構成威脅。美國國內的Neoconservativists和中國的Triumphalists會將此定義為世紀衝突,零和博弈,你死我活,原話用瞭不是total success就是humiliating failure。最後的Pacific Community,與其說是對現實的展望,不如說是遙遠的理想。
評分感謝小平同誌 不然我們現在真的不知道過著怎麼樣的生活 最後一章對於中美兩國的發展方嚮的看法 到現在仍舊適用
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