原籍英國,目前是世界發行量最大的西班牙語報紙《國傢報》(El Pais)的資深國際撰稿人。他的作品《勇者無懼》(Invictus)曾被改編為同名電影。
What makes a champion? What does it take to be the best in the world at your sport? Rafael Nadal has the answers. In his memoir, written with award-winning journalist John Carlin, he reveals the secrets of his game and shares the inspiring personal story behind his success. It begins in Mallorca, where the tight-knit Nadal family has lived for generations. Coached by his uncle Toni from the age of four and taught humility and respect by his parents, Nadal has managed the uncommon feat of becoming an acclaimed global celebrity while remaining a gracious, hardworking role model for people in all walks of life. Now he takes us behind the scenes, from winning the Wimbledon 2008 final—described by John McEnroe as “the greatest game of tennis” he had ever seen—to the family problems that brought him low in 2009 and the numerous injuries that have threatened his career. With candor and intelligence, Nadal brings readers on his dramatic and triumphant journey, never losing sight of the prize he values above all others: the unity and love of his family. From RAFA: "During a match, you are in a permanent battle to fight back your everyday vulnerabilities, bottle up your human feelings. The more bottled up they are, the greater your chances of winning, so long as you’ve trained as hard as you play and the gap in talent is not too wide between you and your rival. The gap in talent with Federer existed, but it was not impossibly wide. It was narrow enough, even on his favorite surface in the tournament he played best, for me to know that if I silenced the doubts and fears, and exaggerated hopes, inside my head better than he did, I could beat him. You have to cage yourself in protective armor, turn yourself into a bloodless warrior. It’s a kind of self-hypnosis, a game you play, with deadly seriousness, to disguise your own weaknesses from yourself, as well as from your rival."
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評分它讓我學會瞭: -----“你是誰,和你做齣什麼成功的事情,這是兩迴事”,球場上他是嚴肅,堅定的獅子;生活中他矛盾,膽小,怕死,隨和,低調,謙虛,忍耐。 -----傢庭和睦團結是多麼的重要,正所謂“傢和萬事興”,他們的支持和幫助,還有團隊成員長期的閤作和發自內心的理...
評分撒花,終於看完瞭第一本全英文的書,斷斷續續地用瞭大半年。我對網球認識的少,對於納豆的認識全部來源於前幾年晚上偶爾看到的體育新聞。記得那時候,他經常把費德勒挑下馬,腦海裏閃過的是他頑強拼搏的鏡頭。嗯,A very tough guy。 既然不是他的粉絲,那麼我何來花¥200去買...
評分豆子是我在高中時期最最迷戀的“偶像”,這種崇拜與迷戀一直持續到現在。也許與“君子之交淡如水”有異麯同工之妙,這種淡淡的崇拜之情一直細水長流到現在。反而是這些年中偶爾因為某部影視作品迅速迷上的演員,都在自己略嗟嘆的惋惜中被拋下。 第一次很偶然在CC...
圖書標籤: 網球 傳記 Nadal 自傳 納豆 rafa 豆子 Rafa
評分2015 reading before the Chinese SPRING FESTIVAL!
評分為瞭湊夠250頁也是蠻拼的,拿老牛刷頁數刷存在感也是夠努力的。雖然文筆跟coauthor差遠瞭,但是畢竟是第一視角也是珍貴的。專注,拼搏,自我約束,good face,淡泊,值得學習的地方還是蠻多的;不過不喜歡的地方也是同他可貴的地方一樣多。Vomas,Rafa!
評分讀一本書 瞭解一個人多一點點
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