Driven to Distraction 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
我是其中的抑郁分类: 之前总有一种被什么东西阻隔,中二点说就是被“封印”……这些年因为稳定的生活和亲密关系,加上也过了三十了,情绪平稳许多,尤其是有些人际关系方面的点“突然”开窍,过年聚会的时候被同学表扬“你今年变正常了”…… 想当年独自生活时,总觉得自己像...
评分 评分它是2018年,也可能是有生以来,最好的礼物吧。 遇到这本书之前的无数个白天,即使阳光普照,困锁的自我仍旧周身阴云密布,偶尔会黑云压顶电闪雷鸣。 而遇到这本书和这个概念的这个夜晚,虽然我在关了灯的黑暗房间,心里豁然的万丈光芒却瞬间溢满我的双眼。 我在一本藏着自己前...
评分基本上在讲段子式的故事,这样容易让读者从这些故事人物的大而全的症状中建立起自己是注意力缺失症患者这一身份的心理认同,并给他们喂心灵鸡汤安慰剂。我就很不喜欢心理学普及读物这么写。 书里面描述的症状很多自相矛盾、模模糊糊、广而笼统。稍微科学点的问题,比如说ADD的...
图书标签: ADD ADHD 心理学 Psychology 英文原版 工作 一定要读! Nonfiction
Groundbreaking and comprehensive, Driven to Distraction has been a lifeline to the approximately eighteen million Americans who are thought to have ADHD. Now the bestselling book is revised and updated with current medical information for a new generation searching for answers.
Through vivid stories and case histories of patients—both adults and children—Hallowell and Ratey explore the varied forms ADHD takes, from hyperactivity to daydreaming. They dispel common myths, offer helpful coping tools, and give a thorough accounting of all treatment options as well as tips for dealing with a diagnosed child, partner, or family member. But most importantly, they focus on the positives that can come with this “disorder”—including high energy, intuitiveness, creativity, and enthusiasm.
评分Without structure, no matter how much talent there may be, there is only chaos.
评分: ) 宝宝心里苦
评分Without structure, no matter how much talent there may be, there is only chaos.
Driven to Distraction 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书