Alex MacCaw是一名Ruby/JavaScript程序员,在开源社区中很有名望,是Spine框架的作者,开发过Taskforce,Socialmod等大型开源项目,同时活跃在纽约、旧金山和柏林的各大Ruby/Rails会议。
JavaScript Web Applications 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
很早买了这本书,由于个人一个很不好的读书习惯(看书要必须从头看),导致很长一段日子都被困在前三章。后来不经意翻到第4章,我尼玛,感觉和前三章完全不一样,易懂。而且为工作的很多方面提供了解决思路。 总的来说,这是一本教人如何运用各种技术解决工作问题的书,而不是...
评分使用ASP.NET MVC开发企业招聘系统 课程观看地址:http://www.xuetuwuyou.com/course/60 课程出自学途无忧网:http://www.xuetuwuyou.com/ 课程介绍 一、课程用到的软件:Visual Studio2012,SQLServer2008 R1 二、课程涉及到的技术点 1.C#面对对象 2.文件读写与序列化 3.ADO....
评分首个以介绍如何从零创建客户端JS MVC框架的作品,换句普通人的说法,这本书是教你怎么工作的。只要有了犀牛和猫头鹰,你不再需要其他的JS书,平趟各种前端项目,甚至当你想跨界去搞搞cocoa的时候,也会想起他的好。 一口气剧透一下~ 这本书是这么组织的,编写自己的class,ev...
评分很给力的书, 我是1月份买的,还没有中文版, 我是硬着头皮翻着英文字典看的。 书里的内容言简意赅, 没有半句废话, 描述 javascript mvc 原理,作者还介绍了各种流行的javascript mvc 框架,当然也包括他自己写的Spine。 这本书没想有些人说的那么神乎,主要还是面向有一定...
评分图书标签: JavaScript 前端开发 编程 O'Reilly javascript 英文版 前端技术 programming
Building rich JavaScript applications that bring the desktop experience to the Web is now possible, thanks to powerful JavaScript engines and the CSS3 and HTML5 specifications. The key is moving state from the server to the client side, but that's no simple task. This book takes you through all the steps necessary to create state-of-the-art JavaScript applications, including structure, templating, frameworks, communicating with the server, and many other issues. Through practical, tutorial-based explanations, you learn how to create JavaScript applications that offer a much more responsive and improved experience. You'll work hands-on with an example application throughout the book to learn the concepts involved. * Explore MVC and how to best structure and manage dependencies inside your application * Get an introduction to templating and data binding * Learn about loading remote data, Ajax Level 2 and cross-domain requests * Use WebSockets and Node to create realtime applications * Accept dropped files and upload data with progress indicators * Learn about major frameworks and libraries, including jQuery, JavaScriptMVC and Backbone * Write tests and use the console to debug your applications * Get deployment best practices, such as caching and minification
评分前面几章关于 MVC 的值得细读,后面几章就有点水了。
JavaScript Web Applications 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书