2001年進入《財富》雜誌,發錶多篇封麵文章,主題包括榖歌、惠普和蘋果等。也曾深度報道富國銀行(Wells Fargo)、英特爾(Intel)、甲骨文(Oracle)、推特(Twitter)和風險投資行業。
2008年,曾為蘋果撰寫封麵報道:The Genius Behind Steve: Could Operations Whiz Tim Cook Run The Company Someday(喬布斯背後的天纔:經營奇纔蒂姆·庫剋將來能否管理蘋果),當時就準確預測庫剋會接任喬布斯,成為蘋果下一任CEO。
INSIDE APPLE reveals the secret systems, tactics and leadership strategies that allowed Steve Jobs and his company to churn out hit after hit and inspire a cult-like following for its products.
If Apple is Silicon Valley's answer to Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory, then author Adam Lashinsky provides readers with a golden ticket to step inside. In this primer on leadership and innovation, the author will introduce readers to concepts like the "DRI" (Apple's practice of assigning a Directly Responsible Individual to every task) and the Top 100 (an annual ritual in which 100 up-and-coming executives are tapped a la Skull & Bones for a secret retreat with company founder Steve Jobs).
Based on numerous interviews, the book offers exclusive new information about how Apple innovates, deals with its suppliers and is handling the transition into the Post Jobs Era. Lashinsky, a Senior Editor at Large for Fortune, knows the subject cold: In a 2008 cover story for the magazine entitled The Genius Behind Steve: Could Operations Whiz Tim Cook Run The Company Someday he predicted that Tim Cook, then an unknown, would eventually succeed Steve Jobs as CEO.
While Inside Apple is ostensibly a deep dive into one, unique company (and its ecosystem of suppliers, investors, employees and competitors), the lessons about Jobs, leadership, product design and marketing are universal. They should appeal to anyone hoping to bring some of that Apple magic to their own company, career, or creative endeavor.
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這半年來,突然想要一颱MBPR,因此花瞭很多力氣上網研究到底Apple是甚麼東東,還翻瞭一下買很久卻未讀過的《賈伯斯傳》(Steven Paul Jobs,港譯「喬布斯」,颱譯「賈伯斯」,本文以颱譯為準)。偶爾在書局發現這部薄薄的小書,放在當眼處,無聊,便買瞭。 這本小書,也說不上揭...
評分 評分 評分隻要是有關蘋果的消息,都會在IT江湖上掀起一陣風浪。蘋果公司不按常理齣牌的企業發展戰略和可稱為藝術品的産品設計,都成為瞭蘋果公司在消費者心目中的圖騰。我對蘋果公司的感覺來得比較晚,但是自從我拿到瞭蘋果的IPAD3開始,我就成為瞭蘋果産品的信徒,對蘋果公司的任何産品...
評分2008年的産品發布會上,喬布斯帶著一個信封走上瞭颱。在眾人的疑惑目光中,MacBook Air從信封中滑齣來。蘋果公司的神話開始成形。 <蘋果>一書規避瞭眾多類似書籍對喬布斯的神化,將目光放在瞭在這位英雄背後的企業。書中所講述的不僅是一個神話般的企業,也是這個企業之所以成...
圖書標籤: 蘋果 Apple 商業 設計 公司 創業 用戶體驗 設計理論
評分the biggest startup on the planet
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