Richard L. Brandt is an award-winning journalist who has been writing about Silicon Valley for more than two decades. He is well known throughout the technology community as a former correspondent for BusinessWeek, where he won a National Magazine Award. He lives in San Francisco. Visit
An insightful look at how Amazon really works and how its founder and CEO makes it happen.
Amazon's business model is deceptively simple: make online shopping so easy and convenient that customers won't think twice. It can almost be summed up by the button on every page: Buy now with one click.
Why has Amazon been so successful? Much of it has to do with Jeff Bezos, the CEO and founder, whose unique combination of character traits and business strategy have driven Amazon to the top of the online retail world. Originally a computer nerd rather than a businessman, he had the vision to capitalize on the untapped online marketplace for bookselling and continues to discover new marketing opportunities, from groceries to auto parts. He's a calculating machine, high energy, passionate, highly aggressive, and out to radically transform retail.
Through numerous interviews with Amazon employees, competitors, and observers, Richard Brandt has deciphered how Bezos thinks, what drives his actions, and how he makes decisions. Anyone in business can learn a lot from the example of Amazon's ongoing evolution.
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評分這本書並不深入,也不全麵,對於Bezos和亞馬遜的黑色麵,一筆帶過。勝在好讀,對亞馬遜之成功,有個基本的瞭解。 有兩點特彆深刻:一、Bezos敢於衝進一個新領域,剋服睏難,玩齣新意思。二、將顧客放在第一位,即使是違背商業原則的,會影響自身利潤的,隻要能夠方便顧客,照...
評分前段時間在豆瓣閱讀上看完瞭《一鍵下單》。看簡介本書的作者很拉風,理查德·勃蘭特 (Richard Brandt),新聞記者,寫作生涯超過20年,一直以矽榖為報道對象。作為《商業周刊》前通訊記者,他在科技界名聞遐邇,曾獲“全美雜誌奬”。本以為這會是一本 Amazon 版的《In The Plex...
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圖書標籤: amazon 互聯網 傳記 商業 用戶體驗 創業 亞馬遜購物流程 貝佐斯
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