Rob Farber,資深高性能編程專傢,Irish高端計算中心和美國國傢實驗室等權威機構的高性能編程技術顧問,同時為多傢《財富》世界500強企業提供谘詢服務,經驗十分豐富,在該領域頗具權威和影響力。他還是一位技術作傢,任職於Santa Fe學院,在《Dr. Dobb’s Journal》《Scientific Computing》等媒體上發錶瞭多篇關於高性能編程的經典技術文章,深受讀者喜愛。此外,他還是《財富》美國100強中兩傢公司的閤夥創始人。
As the computer industry retools to leverage massively parallel graphics processing units (GPUs), this book is designed to meet the needs of working software developers who need to understand GPU programming with CUDA and increase efficiency in their projects. CUDA Application Design and Development starts with an introduction to parallel computing concepts for readers with no previous parallel experience, and focuses on issues of immediate importance to working software developers: achieving high performance, maintaining competitiveness, analyzing CUDA benefits versus costs, and determining application lifespan. The book then details the thought behind CUDA and teaches how to create, analyze, and debug CUDA applications. Throughout, the focus is on software engineering issues: how to use CUDA in the context of existing application code, with existing compilers, languages, software tools, and industry-standard API libraries. Using an approach refined in a series of well-received articles at Dr Dobb's Journal, author Rob Farber takes the reader step-by-step from fundamentals to implementation, moving from language theory to practical coding. Includes multiple examples building from simple to more complex applications in four key areas: machine learning, visualization, vision recognition, and mobile computing Addresses the foundational issues for CUDA development: multi-threaded programming and the different memory hierarchy Includes teaching chapters designed to give a full understanding of CUDA tools, techniques and structure. Presents CUDA techniques in the context of the hardware they are implemented on as well as other styles of programming that will help readers bridge into the new material
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比較偏工程一些,但是太寬泛,沒有深入下去 比較偏工程一些,但是太寬泛,沒有深入下去 比較偏工程一些,但是太寬泛,沒有深入下去 比較偏工程一些,但是太寬泛,沒有深入下去 比較偏工程一些,但是太寬泛,沒有深入下去 比較偏工程一些,但是太寬泛,沒有深入下去
評分比較偏工程一些,但是太寬泛,沒有深入下去 比較偏工程一些,但是太寬泛,沒有深入下去 比較偏工程一些,但是太寬泛,沒有深入下去 比較偏工程一些,但是太寬泛,沒有深入下去 比較偏工程一些,但是太寬泛,沒有深入下去 比較偏工程一些,但是太寬泛,沒有深入下去
評分這本書不適閤初學者,因為內容有一定深度,適閤有一定基礎的CUDA開發者進行代碼優化階段的提高工具。 初學者還是推薦使用《GPU高性能編程 CUDA實戰》那本書,那本書上手快,對於深層問題做瞭較好的省略。等學完那本薄冊子再來讀這個,效果就會很好瞭。
評分這本書不適閤初學者,因為內容有一定深度,適閤有一定基礎的CUDA開發者進行代碼優化階段的提高工具。 初學者還是推薦使用《GPU高性能編程 CUDA實戰》那本書,那本書上手快,對於深層問題做瞭較好的省略。等學完那本薄冊子再來讀這個,效果就會很好瞭。
評分推薦有一定基礎的同學閱讀本書。 書裏麵設計瞭各種cuda的應用,如機器學習; 而且設計到多GPU, MPI+GPU 還有OpenGL+GPU等比較前沿的應用領域。 因此,該書適閤已瞭解cuda及並行計算之後,去進行知識擴展。 同時,由於該書設計內容廣泛,每一章講述也相對比較泛,而且有些...
圖書標籤: CUDA GPU 並行計算 計算機科學 編程 Programming 有電子版 MK
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