Born in 1908, Merleau-Ponty died in 1961 at the age of 53. This essay will follow the basic contours of his thought, beginning with the first published work, The Structure of Behavior (SB), followed by the Phenomenology of Perception (PP), and concluding with the posthumously published The Visible and the Invisible (VI). It will include only brief excursions into his writings on politics and art. Although I have no interest in dividing his oeuvre into three distinct periods, nonetheless, each of these works marks a stage in the philosophical itinerary of his thought, culminating with an ontology of the flesh elaborated in his later thought.
First published in 1945, Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s monumental Phénoménologie de la perception signalled the arrival of a major new philosophical and intellectual voice in post-war Europe. Breaking with the prevailing picture of existentialism and phenomenology at the time, it has become one of the landmark works of twentieth-century thought. This new translation, the first for over fifty years, makes this classic work of philosophy available to a new generation of readers.
Phenomenology of Perception stands in the great phenomenological tradition of Husserl, Heidegger, and Sartre. Yet Merleau-Ponty’s contribution is decisive, as he brings this tradition and other philosophical predecessors, particularly Descartes and Kant, to confront a neglected dimension of our experience: the lived body and the phenomenal world. Charting a bold course between the reductionism of science on the one hand and "intellectualism" on the other, Merleau-Ponty argues that we should regard the body not as a mere biological or physical unit, but as the body which structures one’s situation and experience within the world.
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評分[半年前寫的論文,引文是自己從英文版譯的,齣處就不標瞭。譯文沒考證過,應該很多錯。其實沒懂梅洛龐蒂。] 他解開瞭著名的謎題,是個瞭不起的偉人。 ——索福剋勒斯:《俄狄浦斯王》 哲學僅宣示瞭從人類的境況(human condition)入手解決該問題是可能的。 ——莫裏斯·梅洛-...
評分[半年前寫的論文,引文是自己從英文版譯的,齣處就不標瞭。譯文沒考證過,應該很多錯。其實沒懂梅洛龐蒂。] 他解開瞭著名的謎題,是個瞭不起的偉人。 ——索福剋勒斯:《俄狄浦斯王》 哲學僅宣示瞭從人類的境況(human condition)入手解決該問題是可能的。 ——莫裏斯·梅洛-...
評分最近我在讀梅洛-龐蒂的《知覺現象學》,同時換上瞭一雙新鞋,猛然發現鞋的閤腳問題是有哲學意義的,便想到把這兩者結閤起來,寫一點自己的思想與體會。 剛開始穿新鞋的時候,總是要適應一段時間纔會閤腳,但什麼纔是真正意義上的閤腳呢?或許我們可以推廣位一般的閤體概...
圖書標籤: 現象學 Merleau-Ponty 哲學 梅洛龐蒂 phenomenology 法國哲學 Phenomenology aesthetics
20160101, with love 20160420 重讀,感動得要哭。重點梳理《語言》。 201609 - 12 再讀,重點梳理《他者》、《時間性》。 20170807 讀完一直沒讀的《自由》。迴憶起《塞尚的懷疑》最後一段。しばらく完成だな。
評分寒假很有乾勁地趕在春節前夕看到瞭第65頁,也就是Part One之前的所有部分,結果過後就喪失激情,暫且放下。好在看瞭新英譯者的Introduction和Merleau-Ponty自己的Introduction,加上以前旁聽劉老師課學到的入門信息,大緻能夠理解這本書想要說的並為之拍案叫絕。
評分20160101, with love 20160420 重讀,感動得要哭。重點梳理《語言》。 201609 - 12 再讀,重點梳理《他者》、《時間性》。 20170807 讀完一直沒讀的《自由》。迴憶起《塞尚的懷疑》最後一段。しばらく完成だな。
評分20160101, with love 20160420 重讀,感動得要哭。重點梳理《語言》。 201609 - 12 再讀,重點梳理《他者》、《時間性》。 20170807 讀完一直沒讀的《自由》。迴憶起《塞尚的懷疑》最後一段。しばらく完成だな。
Phenomenology of Perception 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載