桑稟華 美國史密斯學院中國文學與比較文學副教授,兼任文學翻譯學刊《蛻變》執行編輯、哈佛大學費正清中國研究中心副研究員,2011至2013年任美中關係全國委員會公共知識分子項目研究員。著有《時光的心靈:20世紀中國小說的道德力量》(2006)、《牛津通識讀本:中國文學》(2012),另閤著、翻譯有其他作品,並在中文研究期刊上發錶論文。精通中文、俄文、法文和英文。
The most accessible guide to Chinese literature available--compact but textured and far-reaching
Serves as a window on Chinese culture from a philosophical, comparative approach
Introduces Chinese literary theories
Argues for the rise of literary modernity from as early as the eleventh century
Perhaps nowhere else has literature been as conscious a collective endeavor as in China, and China's survival over three thousand years may owe more to its literary traditions than to its political history. This Very Short Introduction tells the story of Chinese literature from antiquity to the present, focusing on the key role literary culture played in supporting social and political concerns. Embracing traditional Chinese understandings of literature as encompassing history and philosophy as well as poetry and poetics, storytelling, drama, and the novel, Sabina Knight discusses the philosophical foundations of literary culture as well as literature's power to address historical trauma and cultivate moral and sensual passions. From ancient historical records through the modernization and globalization of Chinese literature, Knight draws on lively examples to underscore the close relationship between ethics and aesthetics, as well as the diversity of Chinese thought. Knight also illuminates the role of elite patronage; the ways literature has served the interests of specific groups; and questions of canonization, language, nationalism, and cross-cultural understanding. The book includes Chinese characters for names, titles, and key terms.
Readership: Students, scholars, and readers of Chinese literature; applicable to courses in comparative literature, East Asian studies, Chinese language, and Eastern philosophy
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文/吳情 談起中國文學,即便是中文係學生也不能保證自己已經通讀(不管是齣於謙遜還是僞裝)。從先秦《詩經》到當代每年齣版的小說,中國文學,以其龐大的體係和浩瀚的內容令人嚮往,也讓不少讀者望而卻步,更彆提中國古代尚有“文史哲”一傢的傳統,某些今天乍看來屬於哲學論...
評分抱著看看歪果仁眼中的中國文學是什麼樣的心態瀏覽瞭一下此書。雖然講的都是一些耳熟能詳的文學常識,但視角確實可愛。感覺自己看自己國傢的曆史已經有點“不識廬山真麵目”瞭。 抱著看看歪果仁眼中的中國文學是什麼樣的心態瀏覽瞭一下此書。雖然講的都是一些耳熟能詳的文學常識...
評分抱著看看歪果仁眼中的中國文學是什麼樣的心態瀏覽瞭一下此書。雖然講的都是一些耳熟能詳的文學常識,但視角確實可愛。感覺自己看自己國傢的曆史已經有點“不識廬山真麵目”瞭。 抱著看看歪果仁眼中的中國文學是什麼樣的心態瀏覽瞭一下此書。雖然講的都是一些耳熟能詳的文學常識...
評分《中國文學》序言 程章燦/文 從事中國文學的教學與研究,屈指算來,已經三十多年瞭。其間接觸過很多介紹中國文學的著作,即以英文著述而論,也見過不少。其中麵嚮一般讀者,而且比較流行的,就有好幾種。例如上世紀初齣版的英國漢學傢翟理斯(H.A. Giles)的《中國文學史》...
圖書標籤: 牛津通識讀本 中國文學 VSI 海外漢學 文學理論 文學史 文學 theory
評分有失期待,比較普通……第一章將“變易無常”定調為中國哲學之特性,第二章講古典詩詞隨之展開;然後就都泛泛瞭,基本上就是將誌怪小說著名雜劇什麼的羅列瞭一下……整體類似於“通選課教材”一類的東西……而且很多term的譯名非常詭異……好吧非華語母語者做的研究很多也隻能這樣瞭……?(´Д` )
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