This third edition of Introductory Combinatorics contains extensive rewriting of some sections and the inclusion of some new material and exercises.There is enough material in this third edition for a two semester course. A first semester could have an emphasis on counting and a second semester an emphasis on graph theory.
It is difficult to assess the prerequisites for this book. Perhaps they can be best described as the mathematical maturity achieved by the successful completion of the calculus sequence and an elementary course on linear algebra. Use of calculus is minimal, and the references to linear algebra axe few and should not cause any problem to those not familiar with it.
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1.看瞭這本書後,我纔真正意識到,數學是經驗科學。 2.這書不適閤自學,裏麵牽涉太多數學學科,一般大學那點數學基礎肯定不夠用。網上有北京師範大學用這本書上課的視頻,講得灰常好,就是省去瞭好幾章內容以及後麵的整個圖論部分。 3.這書其實不怎麼樣(除非隻把它當作...
評分首先,不得不說這是一本好書,但是翻譯實在是不敢恭維~~ 懷著膜拜的心情把這本書買瞭迴來,發現翻譯得真夠爛的。我剛看到第9頁,後麵的不知道翻譯的怎麼樣,但就描述幻方構造方法的步驟部分來說,翻譯得確實夠爛的,我看瞭三遍都沒看懂! 對照瞭一下英文版的,一下子就看懂瞭,...
圖書標籤: 數學 組閤數學 cs
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