From the Author to the Reader
Each age writes its own history. Not because the earlier history is wrong, but because each age faces new problems, asks new questions, and seeks new answers. This precept is self-evident today when the tempo of change is increasing exponentially, creating a correspondingly urgent need for new history posing new questions and offering new answers.
Our own generation, for example, was brought up on West-oriented history, and naturally so, in a West-dominated world. The nineteenth and early twentieth centuries were an era of Western hegemony in politics, in economics, and in culture. But the two World Wars and the ensuing colonial revolutions quickly ended that hegemony, as evidenced by the disappearance of the great European empires from the maps of the world. The names and the colors on the maps changed radically, reflecting the new world that had emerged by the mid-twentieth century.
Slowly and reluctantly we recognized that our traditional West-oriented history was irrelevant and misleading in this world. A new global perspective was needed to make sense of the altered circumstances. The transition from the old to the new was achieved, albeit with much soul searching and acrimony. By the 1960s the reality of the shift was evident in the emergence of the World History Association, in the appearance of the Journal of World History, and in the publication of the first edition of this text.
This brings us back to our original question: Why publish a new edition for the twentieth-first century, only a few decades after the first edition? The answer is the same as the answer given to justify the first edition: a new world requires a correspondingly new historical approach. The postcolonial world of the 1960s necessitated a new global history. Today the equally new world of the 1990s, and of the twentieth-first century, requires an equally new historical approach. The new world of the 1960s was in large part the product of the colonial revolutions. The new world of the 1990s , as Pope Pius VI noted, is the product of the “magic influence of science and technology”. The pervasiveness of this influence is evident in the “gigantic problems” it has created in all aspects of our lives. For example, students of the late twentieth century doubtless remember their daily prostration under their wooden desks, probably wondering what protection those flimsy structures could offer against nuclear bombs.
The generation of students had to face up to not only new dangers to human life, but also to unprecedented peril to the mother Earth which had given birth to that life. Oceanographer Jacques Cousteau has warmed: Mankind has probably done more damage to the Earth in the twentieth century than in all previous human history. Likewise the environmental organization Worldwatch Institute concluded in 1989: By the end of the next decade the die will pretty well be cast. As the world enters the twentieth-first century, the community of nations either will have rallied and turned back the threatening trends, or environmental deterioration and social disintegration will be feeding on each other.
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評分開始我也不知道選擇讀哪個版本,也不知道兩個版本有什麼不同,於是這兩個版本的書我對照的讀瞭幾個章節,發現一些區彆。 北大的比上海社科院的文字內容要少,北大的那版成段的刪除瞭很多描述性文字,我建議有時間或者想細讀的話,選擇上海社科院齣版的。 但北大的圖片及地圖的...
評分1歐亞大陸上的文明也是多種多樣的,它們的獨特性取決於各自的所在地與中東最早的文明中心地相隔之遠近。中國與中東之間相隔一片遼闊的、荒漠的地區,並有大山作屏障,因此,從古代最早時候起直至今天,中國文明一直與歐亞大陸的其他文明彼此相異。 —— 全球通史 2中國人的...
評分書店裏看過,還行,故而力薦。 我的感受是:作者視野開闊,知識淵博 全書行文流暢,通俗易懂。 隨意翻開哪一段,都可以順暢地讀下去~ 斯塔夫裏阿諾斯是個未曾謀麵的學者,雖如此,方便易讀的文字還是讓我感到他的可愛~
圖書標籤: 曆史 世界史 全球通史 斯塔夫裏阿諾斯 英文 History English 通史
評分81. 6星書。不可思議的文筆,分明可以感受到作者價值觀的主鏇律。在寫美俄關係時小心翼翼盡量做到客觀,收斂情緒。寫到國民黨共産黨的時候,對communism的不喜歡,一不小心泄露無遺。功利來說~雖然沒有幫上我的GMAT的語法~~但很顯然閱讀和邏輯加工不少。。。第一本英文名著,竟然是曆史 =,=||||
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