VIKTOR MAYER-SCHÖNBERGER is Professor of Internet Governance and Regulation at the Oxford Internet Institute, Oxford University. A widely recognized authority on big data, he is the author of over a hundred articles and eight books, of which the most recent is Delete: The Virtue of Forgetting in the Digital Age. He is on the advisory boards of corporations and organizations around the world, including Microsoft and the World Economic Forum.
KENNETH CUKIER is the Data Editor of the Economist and a prominent commentator on developments in big data. His writings on business and economics have appeared in Foreign Affairs, the New York Times, the Financial Times, and elsewhere.
National Bestseller
“No other book offers such an accessible and balanced tour of the many benefits and downsides of our continuing infatuation with data.”—Wall Street Journal
“What I’m certain about is that Big Data will be the defining text in the discussion for some time to come.”— It seems like “big data” is in the news every day, with new examples of how powerful algorithms are teasing out the hidden connections between seemingly unrelated things. Whether it is used by the NSA to fight terrorism or by online retailers to predict customers’ buying patterns, big data is a revolution occurring around us, in the process of forever changing economics, science, culture, and the very way we think. But it also poses new threats, from the end of privacy as we know it to the prospect of being penalized for things we haven’t even done yet, based on big data’s ability to predict our future behavior.
Big Data is the first big book about this earthshaking subject, with two leading experts explaining what big data is, how it will change our lives, and what we can do to protect ourselves from its hazards.
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什麼是大數據 先說一個故事,同任何職業運動一樣,每個領域的職業聯賽聯盟都有“豪門”,就像以前的皇馬巴薩之餘足球一樣 ,美國職業棒球大聯盟不僅有豪門,還有很多個寒門,且豪門和寒門之間的薪資差異越來越大,即所謂“不公平的 競爭”,導緻的後果是優秀的棒球手頻繁被豪...
評分大數據時代的金融投資思維 金融數量化投資由於其巨大收益,是大數據最早應用的領域,而其也符閤大數據最重要的三大思維變革: 1) 不是隨機樣本,而是全數據。 根據作者的定義, 大數據是指不用隨機分析,而采用所有數據的方法。 主要原因有二,一是當前的技術能力讓人類可以...
評分看瞭好幾篇書評,褒貶不一。不過對於我這種業外人士來說,權當普及知識,寫的挺好的啊 一、思維變革 這是全書最吸引我的一部分瞭。作者很有說服力,遣詞造句或者舉例論證都讓人驚嘆未來世界中,思考方式將大大改變。但迴過頭來看看,還有有些值得質疑的地方。 1. 不是...
評分 評分實實在在大數據 中國互聯網發展的重要參與者,知名IT 評論人 謝文 因為我本身十分關注大數據,也寫過若乾關於大數據的文章,做過若乾關於大數據的演講,所以對有關這一主題的論文和書籍非常有興趣。過去幾年,在這方麵我讀過十幾本書、上百篇論文和文章。相對而言,維剋托...
圖書標籤: 大數據 Big_Data 數據分析 數據挖掘 統計學 社會學 計算機 英文原版
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