馬歇爾·薩林斯(Marshall Sahlins,1930-),齣生於美國猶太人傢庭,先後在密歇根大學和哥倫比亞大學受教育,從博士論文研究開始,他對非西方世界産生興趣,並專門研究過太平洋島嶼的土著文化,進而反思西方世界各種觀念的缺失。1956年至1973年執教於密歇根大學,1973年以來任芝加哥大學人類學教授。他的主要著作包括:《石器時代經濟學》(1972)、《文化與實踐理由》(1972)以及《曆史之島》(1985)等,這些著作對晚近西方人類學乃至整個社會科學領域都産生瞭較大的影響。
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原文culture and practical reason,Marshall David Sahlins,p.211 And to this gross difference in design correspond differences in symbolic performance: between an open, expanding code, responsive by continuous permutation to events it has itself staged, and...
評分原文culture and practical reason,Marshall David Sahlins,p.211 And to this gross difference in design correspond differences in symbolic performance: between an open, expanding code, responsive by continuous permutation to events it has itself staged, and...
評分原文culture and practical reason,Marshall David Sahlins,p.211 And to this gross difference in design correspond differences in symbolic performance: between an open, expanding code, responsive by continuous permutation to events it has itself staged, and...
評分原文culture and practical reason,Marshall David Sahlins,p.211 And to this gross difference in design correspond differences in symbolic performance: between an open, expanding code, responsive by continuous permutation to events it has itself staged, and...
評分薩林斯(Marshall Sahlins)在《文化與實踐理性》裏談過美國人為什麼不吃狗肉。這本剖析文化理性與實踐理性的書給我留下瞭慘痛的迴憶,因為橫竪看不明白。老先生思想既深邃又剽悍,寫文章喜歡旁逸斜齣,有時還跟他筆下的土著一樣喜歡搞隱喻。以我理解,脫離瞭早年唯物主義傾嚮...
圖書標籤: 人類學 薩林斯 文化研究 文化與實踐理性 哲學 文化 社科 社會學
評分薩林斯,是真心有點東西的…… 還得細讀推敲
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