First published seven years ago-just before the World Wide Web exploded into dominance in the software world-About Face rapidly became a bestseller. While the ideas and principles in the original book remain as relevant as ever, the examples in About Face 2.0 are updated to reflect the evolution of the Web.
Interaction Design professionals are constantly seeking to ensure that software and software-enabled products are developed with the end-user's goals in mind, that is, to make them more powerful and enjoyable for people who use them. About Face 2.0 ensures that these objectives are met with the utmost ease and efficiency.
Alan Cooper (Palo Alto, CA) has spent a decade making high-tech products easier to use and less expensive to build-a practice known as "Interaction Design." Cooper is now the leader in this growing field. Mr. Cooper is also the author of two bestselling books that are widely considered indispensable texts. About Face: The Essentials of User Interface Design, intro-duced the first comprehensive set of practical design principles. The Inmates Are Running the Asylum explains how talented people and companies continually create aggravating high-tech products that fail to meet customer expectations.
Robert Reimann has spent the past 15 years pushing the boundaries of digital products as a designer, writer, lecturer, and consultant. He has led dozens of interaction design projects in domains including e-commerce, portals, desktop productivity, authoring environments, medical and scientific instrumentation, wireless, and handheld devices for startups and Fortune 500 clients alike. Joining Cooper in 1996, Reimann led the development and refinement of many goal-directed design methods described in About Face 2.0. He has lectured on these methods at major universities and to international industry audiences. He is a member of the advisory board of the UC Berkeley Institute of Design.
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這書很厚,捧在手上很有壓力。 第一篇和第二篇的理論 是值得細細看的,第三篇 交互細節,相當於工具書,看 附錄B 本書設計技巧集 即可。 這樣一來,500多頁的書 就變成300頁瞭,輕鬆多瞭。 建議和《簡單法則》對比著看 會更有收獲。
評分本書優點 1、全麵,深入。從用戶訪談,用戶角色,使用場景分析,需求分析,框架設計,交互設計都有很全麵的分析,而且還有對現有産品的反思,對各個産品功能如搜索、控件、對話框等等的分析。 2、本書總齣齣瞭大量的設計原則。這些原則能從更高的層麵保證産品的正確性。 本書缺...
評分大傢要看的話還是去看英文原版的吧 翻譯的實在是不敢恭維啊,學瞭這麼多年漢語的我錶示理解起來很難。最開始以為是內容問題,現在看來還包括翻譯問題。 不知道我還需要看多少遍纔能理解啊…… 每次打開,我都極度受挫……然後扔一邊去,等忘記它是多麼的難以理解後再來打開。不...
評分10年3、4月的時候在英國亞馬遜上買的英文版。迴來以後發現原來第三版的中文版已經有瞭,又買瞭中文版,2011年初的事。 很係統地說交互的一本書:涵蓋從宏觀上對用戶目標,對設計要解決的問題的理解,到設計的原則、行為,到彈齣框的行為、錯誤和警告的閤理形態這類細節(全書分1...
圖書標籤: 交互設計 用戶體驗 UI 設計 用戶界麵 Web設計 交互 互聯網
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