People won't use your web site if they can't find their way around it. Whether you call it usability, ease-of-use, or just good design, companies staking their fortunes and their futures on their Web sites are starting to recognize that it's a bottom-line issue. In Don't Make Me Think, usability expert Steve Krug distills his years of experience and observation into clear, practical--and often amusing--common sense advice for the people in the trenches (the designers, programmers, writers, editors, and Webmasters), the people who tell them what to do (project managers, business planners, and marketing people), and even the people who sign the checks. </P>
Krug's clearly explained, easily absorbed principles will help you sleep better at night knowing that all the hard work going into your site is producing something that people will actually want to use. </P>
Don't Make Me Think 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
1. 這是一本隻需要兩小時的小書。而且是一本很貴的小書(150頁卻定價39) 2. 內容不能說全麵,但是很流暢。所有的插圖都很精彩。整本書的設計就體現瞭“Don't make me think”的思想。 3. 作者的工作很吸引人。谘詢師:高薪的soho一族。在傢裏給顧客撰寫“可用性報告...
評分看瞭上麵很多朋友的評論,都很中肯,畢竟這本書在業界內已經傳瞭很久,大傢都很期望瞭。不過有些朋友說書中的道理很多都是比較平白無奇的,或者說不用作者告知我們都會去考慮的,我很明白大傢的感受,那是因為沒有一邊跟著項目,一邊研讀此書。 最近一直在做一個項目,公司領導...
評分十分慚愧,多年之後纔拜讀這本經典著作。 雖然第二版也已經是六年前的事情,一些網站實例和觀點在今天看業已過時,但他終究是本很好的書。書中的兩個原則很值得記住: 1.不要讓用戶思考 2.用戶是在你的網站掃描,而不是閱讀。 另外我雖然對老外的書有天生的排斥感,但這本書優...
圖書標籤: 交互設計 Web設計 UI 用戶體驗 設計 交互 可用性 體驗
評分Brief introduction for usability , like it~~
Don't Make Me Think 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載