薩義德(Edward W.Said,1935-2003),當今世界最具影響力的文學與文化批評傢之一,1963年起為哥倫比亞大學英國文學與比較文學教授。代錶性著作有:《東方學》(1978;曾獲美國國傢書評傢奬,三聯書店1999年齣版中譯本)、《巴勒斯坦問題》(1979)、《世界・文本・批評傢》(1983)、《文化與帝國主義》(1993;三聯書店2003年齣版中譯本)、《知識分子論》(1994;三聯書店2001年齣版中譯本)以及《流離失所的政治:巴勒斯坦自決的奮鬥,1969-1994》(1994)等。薩義德還是有名的樂評傢、歌劇鑒賞傢、鋼琴傢,並為巴勒斯坦在西方世界最雄辯的代言人。
From one of the most important intellectuals of our time comes an extraordinary story of exile and a celebration of an irrecoverable past. A fatal medical diagnosis in 1991 convinced Edward Said that he should leave a record of where he was born and spent his childhood, and so with this memoir he rediscovers the lost Arab world of his early years in Palestine, Lebanon, and Egypt.
Said writes with great passion and wit about his family and his friends from his birthplace in Jerusalem, schools in Cairo, and summers in the mountains above Beirut, to boarding school and college in the United States, revealing an unimaginable world of rich, colorful characters and exotic eastern landscapes. Underscoring all is the confusion of identity the young Said experienced as he came to terms with the dissonance of being an American citizen, a Christian and a Palestinian, and, ultimately, an outsider. Richly detailed, moving, often profound, Out of Place depicts a young man's coming of age and the genesis of a great modern thinker.
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作為深度介入政治的學術明星,愛德華·薩義德的名字沒有逃過我在書架上亂掃的眼睛。《文化與帝國主義》買瞭兩年擺在傢裏沒有動過,倒是這本《格格不入》先讀瞭。正所謂書非藉不能讀也。 一個美籍巴勒斯坦裔巨賈的兒子,小時候大部分時間在開羅上學,16歲到美國求學。薩...
評分作為深度介入政治的學術明星,愛德華·薩義德的名字沒有逃過我在書架上亂掃的眼睛。《文化與帝國主義》買瞭兩年擺在傢裏沒有動過,倒是這本《格格不入》先讀瞭。正所謂書非藉不能讀也。 一個美籍巴勒斯坦裔巨賈的兒子,小時候大部分時間在開羅上學,16歲到美國求學。薩...
評分一個人要健康地活下去,必須構建一個獨立完整的自我。這一過程的難易程度卻對不同的人來說卻是天差地遠,這在很大程度上與這個人早年生活的大背景(社會環境)和小背景(傢庭環境)正相關。 一直認為我自己在這條路上走得很艱難。父母年輕時就背井離鄉,舉目無親,一直抱著生...
評分愛德華.W.薩義德(Edward W. Said,1935-2003),戰後世界最有影響的公眾知識分子之一,巴勒斯坦在西方社會最雄辯的代言人,執鞭英美文學與比較文學,哥倫比亞大學九位傑齣教授之一。著名文學與文化批評傢、樂評人、歌劇鑒賞傢、鋼琴師,寫作題材涉及文學、理論、政治、音樂、...
圖書標籤: 迴憶錄 Edward-Said EdwardSaid Memoir 薩義德 生活 Said 記錄
都是小時候的事情,人傢要看如何擁有promising academic future!!!
評分都是小時候的事情,人傢要看如何擁有promising academic future!!!
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