This entirely new translation of Critique of Pure Reason is the most accurate and informative English translation ever produced of this epochal philosophical text. Though its simple and direct style will make it suitable for all new readers of Kant, the translation displays an unprecedented philosophical and textual sophistication that will enlighten Kant scholars as well. This translation recreates as far as possible a text with the same interpretative nuances and richness as the original. The extensive editorial apparatus includes informative annotation, detailed glossaries, an index, and a large-scale general introduction in which two of the world's preeminent Kant scholars provide both a succinct summary of the structure and argument of the Critique and a detailed account of its long and complex genesis.
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商務印書館齣過不少好書,不過在西學方麵,有時候很自戀,常常敝帚自珍,把一些當年寶貝、如今破爛拿齣來重印以提高“逼格”。 這套漢譯世界學術名著叢書中很有一部分書即如此。尤以藍公武翻譯的《純粹理性批判》為典型。市麵上那麼多譯本,忠實於原著的、更流暢的有好多,想...
評分中譯本序 p2 初版於1781年,再版於1787年。 正文 p18 於是我們就可以把一門單純批判純粹理性、它的來源和界限的科學視為純粹理性體係的入門。這樣一個入門將不必稱作一種學理,而隻應當叫做純粹理性的批判,而它的用處就思辨方麵來說實際上將隻是否定性的,不是用來擴展我們...
評分Ⅰ.自序 ——————————————分割綫—————————————— “世界是受絕對因果律支配,還是有自由意誌存在?”這一直是個最終極的哲學問題。 數年之前,當我與一位好友探討世界觀時,這個問題就如同解不開的謎團一般一直纏繞在我倆心間。 好友猜測,世界是受絕...
評分用近一年時間來閱讀此書,今日讀完。原先的那個問題路徑由此愈發明顯,而且也愈發清晰地認識到此書的意義。無與倫比的精細洞察與不可復製的銳利錶述,種種震撼與清洗,常常令人掩捲唏噓,不知所以。 2011-2012.6
圖書標籤: 哲學 Kant 康德 philosophy 德國 德國古典哲學 英語原版 西方哲學
評分this still is a slightly awkward translation. but it's in fact pretty useful after you've had a fair grasp of Kant's overall project. having invested so much time and effort into this work, I can't help feeling Kant and I have truly bonded...LOL like bro to bro kind of bond..
評分這是在那個叫“熱風”的小組還沒有名字的時候讀的吧? it can be taken as systematized Humian skepticism
評分這是在那個叫“熱風”的小組還沒有名字的時候讀的吧? it can be taken as systematized Humian skepticism
評分這學期選瞭Longuenesse教授的康德課,隻這一本書,沒有全部讀完,選瞭重要章節精講,從開始讀preface B時的一頭霧水到最後讀到practical use of reason的結尾,算是終於對康德的Transcendental Idealism入瞭門。讀康德最難受的一點就是他變態的寫作風格,有太多jargon,並且他喜歡先把結論說齣來,再一環一環論證,隻有拿著教授的handout一邊對照著纔讀懂。關於康德的1st Critique,首先是敬畏,做為哲學史上對形而上學的一次顛覆它確實做到瞭,但是康德還是個虔誠的信徒,沒能從上帝這樣的全知神中超脫齣來,說要"deny knowledge to leave room for faith",但這並不影響它是一部劃時代的巨作。
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